The Loft Mandiri Sekuritas, Jakarta, 18 July 2024 Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE) in collaboration with PT Mandiri Sekuritas is holding Young Investor Camp II, which is a continuation of Young Investor I. Young Investor Camp II will discuss Personal Branding and Beginner Investors with The aim is for students to become more familiar with investments and digital platforms and to build self-confidence when meeting other people, to build other people's trust.

KSE together with one of the donors, namely PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium ("Inalum") again carried out the "Group Coaching batch 2" activity for Inalum scholarship recipients. This activity will be carried out in 4 sessions, with details every week. The Kick-Off as well as the first session was held on Saturday, July 13 2024. This activity was also opened by a representative from INALUM, namely Mr. Daniel J.P Hutauruk - Head of the CSR Department. He expressed his gratitude to KSE for the collaboration that has been established, one of which is this group coaching activity. He really hopes that this activity can have a positive impact on KSE scholarship recipients, so that they can prepare themselves well to face the post-university world future. Apart from that, various things were also conveyed by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo – KSE Chief Operating Officer & KSE Secretary. He was also grateful for the collaboration that had been established and felt very proud of the relationship that had been established, where this program could increase the closeness between KSE alumni and students.

This July, Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Foundation held the final round of interviews simultaneously in various offline locations. The enthusiasm of KSE scholarship applicants reached its peak with 33,848 applicants from 35 partner universities across the archipelago competing for this prestigious scholarship.

Still in the series of activities of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation ("KSE") together with one of the donors, namely PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia ("UBSSI") located in Yogyakarta on June 7 2024, one of the agendas carried out is monitoring Community Development assisted by KSE UGM which donated by UBSSI namely Cupable Café. Cupable Café itself is a café managed by people with disabilities under the auspices of the YAKKUM Rehabilitation Center.

Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (“KSE”) together with one of the donors, namely PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia (“UBSSI”) carries out routine activities, namely the Financial Literacy & Investments Games. This activity was held on Friday, June 7 2024 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University. This activity was attended by more than 100 participants who were scholarship recipients from KSE Gadja Mada University, KSE Diponegoro University and KSE Sebelas Maret State University. Not only scholarship recipients, this activity was also attended by general students from campuses in the Yogyakarta area. This activity is one of the routine agendas carried out in collaboration between KSE and UBSSI, aimed at providing knowledge to students about financial literacy, but in this activity there is also direct practice in the form of investment games which can be participated in by all participants. The activity began with an opening by the MC and continued with a presentation of material regarding activities carried out by KSE UGM students, including those related to social activities in the form of Community Development which were carried out directly by the KSE UGM association and other KSE associations which were also funded by PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia . Not only that, on this occasion the student representatives also gave a brief explanation regarding the achievements that have been achieved by KSE UGM scholarship recipients, both international and national achievements.