
KSE Entrepreneur Academy Camp Bacth 7 2023 was held in Palembang, South Sumatra on July 21-28 at the Algorithm Hotel, Palembang, South Sumatra. This activity was attended by 33 students from 22 state universities in Indonesia. The event was opened by Mr Hengky Poerwowidagdo as Chief Operating Officer (COO) Karya Salemba Empat. Some of the materials received by participants during the activity were "Personal Dream", "Entrepreneur Dream", "Product Development Implementation", "Business Development Planning" and "Market Research" by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo, material about "Dreams of the Technology Program for Indonesia", "Entrepreneur Mindset", "Technopreneur", "Development of Community Development", "Basic Entrepreneur Skill", "Business Plan", and "Marketing Practices" presented by Mr. Hari Subagya. In this activity, resource persons share knowledge to explore participants' enthusiasm for running technology businesses, services and food products as well as developing Community Development programs.


The activity began with an opening by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo at 09.00 WIB. Mr Hengky introduced all KSE staff and officers. The opening is filled with an introduction or introduction about what this camp will be like in the future, and also what topics and things you can get from this camp. After that, it was followed by attaching participant identification cards as a symbol that the event had started.


In the next activity, participants received material from Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo and Mr. Hari Subagya regarding the personal dreams of each participant. The speaker assigned a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and the participants were divided into several teams according to the challenge cluster in the participants' efforts to achieve their dreams. Starting from discussing Individual Wellness, participants were asked to choose 3 main priorities in their lives. After that, they were also given SMILE cards (Smart Goal, Meaning, Idea, Logical Action, and Excellent State) by the speaker and answered by discussing in pairs. After that, participants were asked to briefly present their answers.

The next day, the entrepreneur participants conducted market research to review the products they made. Starting from reviewing the packaging design, price and taste of the products they offer. Apart from that, there were also several participants who went to production houses to make products that they would research as testers because these products were fast food such as takoyaki, bread, brownies and nuggets made from soybean dregs. On the other hand, Technology For Indonesia and Community Development participants received material from Mr. Hari Subagya regarding Entrepreneur Mindset. The participants took turns defining what an entrepreneur is and how interested the participants were in becoming an entrepreneur.


The presenter reviews the market research activities carried out by the participants by presenting their market research activities. Participants  go directly into the field by choosing segmentation and target markets according to their respective programs or businesses. Some participants have collaborated but have not offered benefits to partners. This is an insight for participants that collaboration must offer feedback so that partners want to collaborate.

On the last day, participants shared a sharing session with KSE alumni who have been successful in the business world and become entrepreneurs. Each participant is divided into several groups consisting of 3-4 people, each group carries out coaching with one alumni discussing their respective products and businesses. After this activity, participants can be strengthened and motivated in their business and participants are given solutions to every problem that exists in their business, this can be applied by participants in the future.


Finally, the closing activity was carried out and attended by 33 participants and also by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo, Mr. Hari Subagya, Mr. Rico, Mr. Agus and Mrs. Yuni. Entrepreneur Academy Camp Bacth 7 officially closed with the release of participant tokens represented by Mr. Rico and a speech delivered by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo.

With the knowledge and experience gained during the Camp, it is hoped that participants can further expand their business wings by collaborating with as many business partners as possible.

Sharing, Networking, Developing

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