
Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (“KSE”) together with the KSE UNJ community held pouch making training for mothers on July 29 2023 at Kp. Pemdayakan, Muara Bakti Village. This activity is one of the Community Development program agendas donated by PT Cikarang Listrindo, namely the comdev Majun program. This training will take place over several meetings, the first meeting taking place in one of the homes of the mothers who are also involved in the program. By collaborating with a well-known sewing institution, namely Juliana Jaya, this activity was attended by 2 women from Kp. Empowerment and also 4 people from the Muara Bakti Youth Organization and 4 students who received KSE scholarships.

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The activity began with a few forewords and remarks from representatives of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation staff by Maya Dintasari and Dewi Ghitsatul Hisan. Followed by an introduction and brief explanation by the teacher from Juliana Jaya, namely Mrs. Risma. On this occasion, Mrs. Risma explained the correct sewing techniques, starting from operating the sewing machine to creating designs for all products.


After the introduction, it continued with the distribution of each tool that would be used to create the mukena bag design. Each of the women and students as well as representatives from Karang Taruna held each of the tools that would be used to make the design. Practice begins by making a pattern first, by measuring the length and width of the sample bag as well as techniques for measuring the length for a bag size. Finished with making the pattern, followed by adjusting the layers to make the mukena bag, and continued with the creation of each participant for the decoration or pattern of the decorative design of each bag.


After completing the design for the mukena bag product, it continues with the sewing process. This process also explains in detail how to properly operate the sewing machine so that the stitching results will look neater. Next, each participant took turns sewing the product they had designed. After making the product according to the teacher's instructions, each participant made another product of their own creation, some in the form of a small wallet, some in the form of a pouch for a pencil holder or even a totte bag or tote bag. There were a total of around 8 products that were successfully created by the participants who took part. Apart from that, discussions were held regarding the sustainability of sewing training and also the sustainability of the program itself. There are many interesting ideas that Kp mothers want to develop. Empowerment so that the program is not limited to just making Majun.

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