
Karya Salemba Empat Foundation together with PT Insight Investments Management on 17 – 18 June 2023 conducted Coaching, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and at the same time inaugurated the Community Development Program (Comdev) in Kasang Village, Karang City - Jambi. Coaching and Focus Group Discussion activities were carried out together with 46 Jambi University scholarship recipient students with the aim of finding out the extent of the potential of scholarship recipient students in developing the organizations and comdev activities they undertake as well as providing additional insight regarding the company profile, career opportunities in the financial sector and a brief overview related to PT's corporate social responsibility activities. Insight Investment Management.

First Day “Coaching, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and Company Profile PT. Insight Invesment Management”.


Located at Wujbi Caffe, the first session was filled with presentation of material from PT Insight Investments Management given by Mr. Isnaeni Setiawan as CSR Coordinator of PT Insight Investments Management and Mr. Febby Chairi Akbar as Legal and APPU of PT Insight Investments Management. The first material is related to the company profile of PT. Insight into Investment Management and career opportunities in the financial world  delivered by Mr. Chaidir. On this occasion he explained what the company's main business was, including the company's vision and mission. Another interesting thing is related to career opportunities in the financial world and career paths.

The second material presented by Mr. Isnaeni was related to CSR objectives and CSR activities carried out by PT. Insight Investment Management. On this occasion he also did not forget to give tips regarding how a social activity can be sustainable and have a big impact on society or the community.


In the second session, coaching and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) were carried out. This activity aims to explore the strengths of the Jambi University KSE Association in designing and implementing comdev programs which are expected to have a big impact on society. So that the coaching and FGDs carried out can run and produce maximum results, the 46 students who attended were divided into 4 large groups, namely:

1.     The Karang Kasang City Village Group, aims to explore the potential in the Karang Kasang City village.

2.     The Tangkid village group aims to look for derivative products from the abundant natural resources in Tangkid village.

3.     Marketing Group, main task is to provide the best marketing solutions for production in Karang Kasang City village and Tangkid village

4.     The BPH group aims to design work programs for the KSE UNJA Association which is expected to increase insight and unity for the association.

From the results of the FGD, it was concluded that:

For the village of Karang Kasang City, the program will focus on cultivating maggots which will later be used as the main ingredient for making alternative feed for catfish livestock, which are very numerous. However, the snakehead, tilapia and catfish fishing program continues to run and hydroponics that are already running can make derivative products.

For Tangkid Village, apart from Shredded Lele and Stick Pakcoy, catfish nugget and pineapple chili products will also be added. With a good marketing concept, it is hoped that the comdev programs in the two villages will further empower the community.


On the second day "Inauguration of PT Insight Investments Management Community Development Program and Workshop"
The inauguration of Community Development in Kasang Village, Kota Karang was attended by PT Insight Investments Management, Dr. Ir. Teja Kaswari, M.Sc as Vice Chancellor III of Jambi University, Mr. Sugiarto as Village Head, Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo as Secretary I of Karya Salemba Empat Foundation and residents. The first event was a ribbon cutting at the Coral City Comdev location and the sowing of 1,000 tilapia seeds. By being present at the location directly, it is hoped that it can provide input related to future program development.
For the next event, the location shifted to the Kasang Village Hall in Karang City where community leaders, community activists and business people and the public were present to attend the symbolization and discussion of the comdev program. Beginning with remarks from PT Insight Investments Management, Vice Rector III and the Village Head, the event continued with the presentation of Comdev Program material from one of Dyfa Maharani Andalusia's students followed by cutting tumpeng.  After the inauguration ceremony was completed, the FGD session was continued with the Tangkit Baru Village community and the Kasang Kota Karang Village community. The purpose of the joint session with the community of two villages is to strengthen the commitment in implementing and advancing the comdev program.  
At this inauguration ceremony the KSE UNJA students also held a Comdev product bazaar and a demonstration of making Pakcoy Nugget.

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