Gathering Program

Activities that aim to strengthen the relationship between Scholarship Recipients, Donors, Academic Community, and Karya Salemba Empat Foundation. Face-to-face activities are held regularly on each campus of the Partner State Universities by cooperating with donors to actively participate in these activities.

With this activity, the scholarship recipients are expected to know who the donors are who have provided scholarships so far. We hope that this meeting can form an emotional bond between the scholarship recipients and the donors.

Another objective of the Face-to-Face activity is to improve the students'
students' soft skills / insights regarding:

  1. The importance of instilling leadership and national insight in students.
  2. The importance of continuing to foster the spirit of sharing networking developing in the face of global competition.
  3. Promote togetherness, intimacy and cohesiveness among fellow scholarship recipients.

Every scholarship recipient is required to participate in this activity.