On December 13 2024, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta hosted the "Face to Face Scholarship" event held in collaboration with PT Bank Aladin Syariah Tbk. This event took place at the Bahtiar Effendy Auditorium and was attended by students who received scholarships, representatives of Bank Aladin Syariah, Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE), and academics from UIN Jakarta.
Ahmad Maulana Dzaky, Chair of the KSE UIN Jakarta Association, explained the various achievements of several associations, including the UIN Jakarta, UNJ, and UI Associations. Apart from explaining the achievements, he also explained community development activities and other important programs initiated by the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation. This presentation highlights KSE's major contribution in supporting student development.
Dr. Yasmine Nasution, KSE Supervisory Board and Managing Director of the FEB UI Management Institute, gave a speech emphasizing the importance of collaboration to support the success of KSE Students. "With the presence of support from PT Bank Aladin Syariah Tbk., we hope that this activity will be able to provide new insights in education, self-development and readiness to face the professional world in the digital era," her said.
Firdila Sari, Director of Digital Banking at PT Bank Aladin Syariah, also gave an inspiring speech. “This activity opens horizons, expands networks and provides inspiration. "From PT Bank Aladin Syariah and KSE, we learn that success is not only about the knowledge we learn, but also about building relationships and preparing for a better future," her said.
The event continued with a talk show session with the theme "Elevate Student's Leadership." The resource persons in this session were Firdila Sari (Director of Aladin Syariah Bank), Dr. Teguh Santosa (Lecturer in International Relations at UIN Jakarta), and Dr. Yasmine Nasution, with moderator Karvin Fadila, a KSE alumni and professional trainer. This discussion highlights the importance of leadership based on positive influence, as well as the role of students in creating positive movements in various spheres.
PT Bank Aladin Syariah Tbk., through the KSE Scholarship Program, provides scholarship support to outstanding students. The symbolic handover was carried out by Firdila Sari to Salva Damayanti Prayitno, representative of scholarship recipients from UIN Jakarta. This program reflects Bank Aladin Syariah's commitment to supporting the development of human resources in the world of education.
As a form of appreciation, the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation handed over souvenirs to PT Bank Aladin Syariah Tbk. and UIN Jakarta. This souvenir is a symbol of the synergy and cooperation that has existed, with the hope that it can continue in the future.
Educational Material: Financial Literacy and Aladin Syariah Bank Products
M. Arief Mediadianto, Head of Financing Commercial Retail & Ecosystem Bank Aladin Syariah, provided material on financial literacy. This material aims to increase students' understanding of financial planning, saving and investing wisely.
The next session was delivered by Bayu Edmiralda, Head of Brand and Activation, who explained Bank Aladin Syariah products, such as Ala Dompet, Ala Impian, Ala Deposito, and the Pay/Buy feature. This product is designed to support financial management in accordance with sharia principles.
Guided by Nyoman Yogi, Head of Sustainability at Bank Aladin Syariah, the interactive games session involved all participants. This game is designed to deepen understanding of financial literacy and introduce the Bank Aladin Syariah application in a fun way.
Prof. Ali Munhanif, Deputy Chancellor of UIN Jakarta, closed the event with an inspirational message. He appreciated Bank Aladin Syariah and KSE for their contribution in equipping students with knowledge in the field of finance and career preparation. "It is hoped that this activity will be a starting point for students to continue to develop," he said.
This event was successful in strengthening relations between the world of education, industry and the community, as well as providing new insights and opportunities for students. It is hoped that synergy like this will continue to support a higher quality young generation in Indonesia.