Since 2016, Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) has been collaborating with PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia (MAMI). KSE received direct recommendations from MAMI for 20 students from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Brawijaya University (UB). Regular scholarships (living expenses) are provided from the 3rd semester until the end. In addition to regular scholarships and merit scholarships in the form of tuition fee payment allowances, the MAMI scholarship programme also provides coaching programmes such as "Future Leader" Leadership Training, "Career Coaching" Job Preparation as well as the MAMI Mutual Fund Article Competition where the MAMI scholarship recipients are supported by the KSE Association at the relevant university.


To conclude the MAMI Scholarship Programme, KSE in collaboration with MAMI organised the "Debriefing & Release of MAMI Scholarship Recipients" which consisted of a Scholarship Recipient Social Activity for young children at the UNJ KSE Association Secretariat in Utan Kayu, Jakarta by learning Fun English and Fun Science. The activity continued with a photo competition at the 3D Art Museum, Kota Tua, Jakarta which aims to provide motivation and strengthen kinship, for the winning group to get a prize money of Rp.1,000,000. The event continued with a briefing on the world of work by MAMI Director Mr Heryadi Indrakusuma and Chairman of the Philanthropy Committee Mr Kandil Dermawan and dinner together at Historia Restaurant, Kota Tua, Jakarta. As a closing activity, students were invited to study and take a night tour through the Old City such as Toko Merah, Kota Intan Bridge, ending with learning the history of Jakarta at the Jakarta Fatahillah Museum, Kota Tua, Jakarta.


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