
Paguyuban Karya Salemba Empat for the first time held KSE Bina Desa which was held in Lebak Ela Village, Cidokom Village, Rumpin District, Ciampea Regency, Bogor. This KSE Bina Desa activity is a collaborative social activity between the KSE association of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Jakarta State University (UNJ), University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), and Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA).

 Cidokom Village has been a fostered village of the KSE IPB Association for a long time, one of its fostering programs is to empower the village community by producing "Opals", thin and crispy crackers made from cassava with various flavors. Eventually, Opals can become a source of livelihood for the villagers. The KSE IPB Association saw the abundant resources of cassava in the Cidokom Village area, so they tried to make an innovation of Opals crackers that were thin and crispy and ready for consumption. Then the KSE IPB Paguyuban helped with the marketing.

Starting from that, the KSE Paguyuban of Jabodetaser region wanted to contribute and spread the benefits as widely as possible to the surrounding community. In addition, the relationship between the regional associations is more closely intertwined with the collaborative activities that were carried out for the first time by the five associations.

The focus of the KSE Bina Desa activities was held for 2 days, on Saturday, May 7, 2016 and on Friday, May 20, 2016. The activities organized on Saturday, May 7, 2016 were very diverse, including:

- Sewing skills training attended by PKK cadre women and local residents.

- Coloring competition for children in grades 1-3.

- Health interventions for junior and senior high school age youth with material on the dangers & impacts of smoking and pre-marital nutritional health.

- Agricultural education for children in grades 4-6 SD which teaches how to grow vegetables that can be planted in the yard by utilizing simple tools and decorating the pots of each plant.

- Cooking competition for mothers

- Men's Fun Futsal played using sarongs

On Friday, May 20, 2016, the closing ceremony of KSE Bina Desa began with a free health check starting at 09.00 in the Assembly Hall. Residents of Lebak Ela village were very enthusiastic in participating in the free health check, starting from measuring weight and height, measuring blood pressure, as well as measuring blood sugar, cholesterol, and uric acid. In addition, residents can also do health consultations. This activity facilitates residents, especially men, women, and the elderly, to find out their health status free of charge.

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The closing ceremony was attended by residents of Lebak Ela village, the village secretary, representatives of the KSE Foundation, and KSE donors, namely BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Bogor Branch and PT Panin Asset Management. The event was opened by the MC at 13.00 by singing together the Indonesia Raya song which was then followed by remarks from committee representatives, the Village Secretary, and Mr. Reno Yulian, a representative of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Bogor Branch. The symbolization of KSE Bina Desa program and appreciation was given to the Village Secretary of Cidokom from Mr. Reno Yulian. After that, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan socialized the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program to the residents who attended. The closing of KSE Bina Desa was eagerly awaited by the residents because there was an announcement of winners and prize distribution from activities held on May 7, 2016, ranging from coloring competitions and pot decorating competitions for children, fun futsal competitions for teenagers, as well as cooking competitions and sewing skills for mothers.

Maya Dintasari from KSE Foundation gave souvenirs to Cidokom Village, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, and PT Panin Asset Management as a form of appreciation for this activity. The event continued with a video screening of the entire series of KSE Bina Desa events accompanied by a presentation of Bina Desa activities by committee representatives. Our hope is that the presence of the KSE Association can be beneficial to the people of Cidokom Village.

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