A week is not enough to become a person who knows, is smart, and is good at socialising, representing an institution to fulfil its vision through key missions for the progress of the institution/company. Work in the definition of life is endless learning that sometimes knowledge is sent through experiences. Progress in the embodiment of the company can be achieved by synergising each element of the institution towards a common goal by paying attention to a method called cooperation.
For this reason, knowing, understanding, tolerance and complementarity are the building blocks of cooperation in companies/institutions. Based on this understanding, The Ambassador Employment Camp 2 Batch 1 training was held by Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat ("KSE") in collaboration with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and supported by 10 (ten) Investment Management companies including: PT Mandiri Investment Management, PT Trimegah Asset Management, PT Syailendra Capital, PT Batavia Prosperindo Asset Management, PT BNP Paribas Investment Partners, PT Samuel Asset Management, PT Danareksa Investment Management, PT First State Investment Indonesia, PT Bahana TCW Investment Management and PT Panin Asset Management.
The Ambassador Employment Camp 2 Batch 1 was held on 21-26 January 2016 at the Indofood Training Centre, Cipanas. Participants were representatives of KSE scholarship recipients from 17 state universities, namely IPB, UB, UGM, UI, UIN JKT, UNAND, UNDANA, UNDIP, UNILA, UNJ, UNMUL, UNPAD, UNRI, UNSTRAT, UNSYIAH, UNUD, and USU. Unlike Camp 1 which involved 222 participants, Camp 2 involved 121 participants who were selectively chosen from the previous camp participants. With reliable trainers from People Develop People namely Hari Subagya and Cahyana Puthut Wijanarka and Ivi Batuta and management from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan namely Dodo Suharto - Head of Capital Market Money Market Division, Helmi Ardian Asnawi - Head of Planning and Career Affairs Division, Maman Miraz - Head of Strategic Analysis and Communication for Membership Expansion and other BPJS Ketenagakerjaan teaching team and Chairman of the KSE Supervisory Board Satriadi Indarmawan.
The opening ceremony was attended by KSE Chief Executive Officer Arief Wana, BPJS Employment Management Dodo Suharto, Directors of several investment management companies, namely Ferry I Zein Director of PT Mandiri Investment Management, Antony Dirga Chief Executive Officer of PT Trimegah Asset Management, Herman Heru Associate Director of PT Batavia Prosperindo Asset Management, Agus B. Yanuar President Director of PT Samuel Aset Manajemen, Anna Hariyana Head of Institutional Sales PT Danareksa Investment Management, Fiska Fauzia Head of Institutional Business PT First State Investment Indonesia, Luthfi Adri Marketing Division Institutions PT Bahana TCW Investment Management, Ridwan Soetedja Director of PT Panin Asset Management. It was also attended by representatives from the University of Indonesia academic community Dr Arman Nefi, SH, MM Director of Student Affairs.
In The Ambassador Ketenagakerjaan Camp 2 Batch 1 training, activities were not only focused on fulfilling hard skills to participants related to knowledge about BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, presentation methods, communication skills, and leadership materials. More than that, participants began to be guided to practice and simulate calculations based on certain case studies. Participants were also challenged to conduct socialisation about BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to the community in the Cipanas area without being given any travel supplies. This triggered the initiative to do "Positive Fighter", which is doing positive things that are intended to help local residents in order to get wages for travel provisions or returned in the form of things that are beneficial to local residents. Postive Fighter not only trains the ability to survive at zero conditions, but also helps participants interact and build trust with local residents so that socialisation can be carried out comfortably and smoothly.
As a result, more than 400 Cipanas area residents received information about BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in less than 4 hours. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan welcomed the results and promised to use the data obtained for further socialisation in the Cipanas area. At the end of the activity, the Ambassadors were given the task to conduct socialisation to private universities around their respective campuses.
The closing ceremony on 26 January 2016 was closed by Iswandhy Syaruly, Head of Membership Expansion Division of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and directors from investment management companies, namely Hendra Wijaya Harahap Director of PT Trimegah Asset Management, Erika Triwulandari Client Relationship of PT BNP Paribas Investment Partners, Intan Syah Ichsan Chief Operating Officer of PT Samuel Aset Manajemen, Anna Hariyana Head of Institutional Sales of PT Danareksa Investment Management and Luthfi Adri Marketing Division of Institutions of PT Bahana TCW Investment Management. They also gave their appreciation for the Ambassador's achievements and the selection of the best Project Plan.