Information Continue to Support the Spirit of Young Entrepreneurship OCBC NISP Bank Holds "YES Competition 2014" Bank OCBC NISP bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) kembali menggelar “Young Entrepeneurship Spirit (YES) Competition 2014”. Dikemas… Event Activities that aim to strengthen the relationship between Scholarship Recipients, Donors, Academic Community, and KSE. Activities are held regularly… Leadership A training program that creates future leaders who have a strong character in their field. continuous and tiered training with a balanced teaching… Akademi Kewirausahaan Program Kompetisi dan Pelatihan yang diharapkan dapat mempersiapkan dan memberdayakan para penerima beasiswa agar memiliki kualitas dan keunggulan… Entrepreneurship Academy The Competition and Training Program is expected to prepare and empower scholarship recipients to have the quality and competitive advantage in the… Technology for Indonesia The "Technology for Indonesia" program departs from the idea of finding technology that can be used as needed (appropriate for use) which can later be… Inovasi & Teknologi Program “Teknologi untuk Indonesia” berangkat dari gagasan untuk mencari teknologi yang dapat digunakan sesuai kebutuhan (tepat guna) yang nantinya… Workshop / Coaching This seminar / workshop / coaching aims to build and improve students' abilities, knowledge and insights. Previous1…43444546474849 (current)Next