The Loft Mandiri Sekuritas, Jakarta, 18 July 2024 Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE) in collaboration with PT Mandiri Sekuritas is holding Young Investor Camp II, which is a continuation of Young Investor I. Young Investor Camp II will discuss Personal Branding and Beginner Investors with The aim is for students to become more familiar with investments and digital platforms and to build self-confidence when meeting other people, to build other people's trust.

This event was held in a hybrid manner with 100 participants receiving KSE scholarships, of which 50 students from Jabodetaser attended directly at The Loft Menara Mandiri, Sudirman, and 50 other students participated online via zoom meeting.

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The opening of the event was hosted by Mc from Mandiri Sekuritas, starting with the first speech delivered by Marsangap P. Tamba as Executive Chair of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, then continued with the symbolization of the 2024 Mandiri Sekuritas Scholarship Program.

The next event was a presentation of material related to Personal Branding which was delivered by Nadya Siregar, Head of Corporate Secretary and Communication at PT Mandiri Sekuritas. This material discusses why personal branding is important? and How Early is Too Early to Build My Personal Branding. He provides an overview of demonstrating skills, abilities and experience to impress others and build self-awareness of SWOT. Not only did he provide material, but he gave 3 student representatives the opportunity to practice directly regarding Personal Branding.


Participants who took part in this activity were very enthusiastic during the question and answer session. Many students ask questions about Personal Branding.




The event continued with the second material session related to Investment delivered by Muhammad Fachrizal as Relationship officer of the Jakarta Mandiri Sekuritas OLT Branch. He explained the importance of investing early and the initial steps that beginners must take to start investing. The material presented includes an introduction to various types of investment instruments such as shares, bonds, mutual funds and other instruments. Fachrizal emphasized the importance of understanding your risk profile and personal financial goals before choosing the right investment instrument. He also provides practical guidance on how to open an investment account and carry out transactions in the capital market.

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