As a continuation of The Ambassador Leadership BPJS Employment Camp I Batch 4 training activities from the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE) development program in collaboration with BPJS Employment and supported by 11 (eleven) leading investment companies in the country, namely PT. Mandiri Investment Management, PT. Trimegah Asset Management, PT. Samuel Asset Management, PT. Danareksa Investment Management, PT. Panin Asset Management, PT. BNP Paribas Investment Partners, PT. Batavia Prosperindo Asset Management, PT. Syailendra Capital, PT. BNI Asset Management, PT. First State Investment Indonesia and PT Schroder Investment Management Indonesia have held leadership training activities "The Ambassador Leadership BPJS Employment Camp II Batch 4.

This training activity was carried out for 7 (seven) days, namely 6 – 12 August 2017 at the Dominic Hotel, Purwokerto, Central Java. Participated by 131 students from 25 KSE Partner State Universities, namely: IPB, UB, UGM, UI, UIN JAKARTA, ULM, UNAIR, UNAND, UNDANA, UNDIP, UNHAS, UNILA, UNJ, UNMUL, UNPAD, UNPATTI, UNRI, UNSRAT, UNSRI, UNSYIAH, UNTAD, UNTIRTA, UPI, UPR and USU.

The aim of this training is to foster togetherness, closeness and cohesion among fellow students participating in The Ambassador Leadership BPJS Employment Camp II Batch 4 with the hope that in the future it can create and create extraordinary synergies for the progress and prosperity of the nation. Apart from that, this training aims to prepare participants to improve their personal qualities in accordance with the professional capacities and skills needed by job seekers and prepare participants to become ambassadors who can socialize work programs and the benefits of the existence of BPJS Employment both as a group and individual.


The material provided in this training is about discipline, managerial, company culture as well as development and formation of personal character. Providing information about BPJS Employment starting from the Vision and Mission of BPJS Employment, Benefits of the BPJS Employment Program, Building Relationships between BPJS Employment Program Institutions, Case Studies to the Organization and Career Management of BPJS Employment. As speakers from BPJS Employment, namely Isnavodiar Jatmiko - Head of Knowledge Management and Social Security Strategic Partnerships, Muhyidin - Head of Inter-Agency Relations, Helmy Ardian Asnawi - Head of Planning and Career Affairs, Budi Priyono - Head of JKK-JK Program Development and Control, Sandi Gandara - Main Director of Analysis and Strategy for Membership Expansion, and Rizky Noviandri - Middle Director of Marketing Communications.

Apart from the presenters from BPJS Employment, there were also presenters from the management of Karya Salemba Empat, namely Basya G. Himawan – Founder of KSE who provided material on "Management of Change" and as facilitators of this activity were Hari Subagya, Cahyana Puthut Wijanarka, Guguh Unggul Satriadi and Kukuh Wama from People Develop People. The materials provided by People Develop People include: Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Influencing Skills, Character Building and FGD.


2One of the most important parts of this training activity is the “Positive Fighter and Social Activity” session. The release of participants in the Positive Fighter activity was carried out by Imron Fatoni – Head of the BPJS Employment Branch in the Purwokerto area. At this stage, participants were divided into 5 (five) groups without any money. The participants were deployed to the Purwokerto city community to help with community activities. The participants did many things, starting from helping clean shops, helping in offices, selling, helping wash dishes in stalls to helping lift merchandise. As a result, within 3 hours the funds collected amounted to IDR 11,677,900. Then the funds are returned to the community in the form of providing cleaning equipment and inventory for mosques and churches as well as paying the initial registration fee for people who register to become BPJS Employment participants. The remaining activity funds will be allocated to create empowerment activities at the next training location. 



Apart from that, the participants also carried out BPJS Employment socialization using brochures from BPJS Employment. People who were interested in participating in BPJS Employment were asked to submit a photocopy of their KTP so that a BPJS Employment card could be made on the same day. The total community outreach was more than 1000 people and from this outreach 52 people were willing to become BPJS TK participants and participation cards had been made.

It is truly a result of joint work and the result of joint work that is very proud. Keep going, Nation's children... KSE children keep moving, Ambassador... Jaya! Jaya! Jaya!

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