Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (“KSE”) together with one of the donors, namely PT Bank Tabungan Negara, Tbk (“BTN”) held a “Face to Face Meeting with KSE Scholarship Recipients” event located at the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Campus, Serang, Banten on October 5 2024. This activity was attended by more than 100 students consisting of KSE scholarship recipients from UNTIRTA, UIN JAKARTA, UI and also UNJ. Not only scholarship recipients, UNTIRTA general students were also present as participants in this activity.
The event began with an opening by the Master of Ceremony delivered by KSE UNTIRTA scholarship recipient students. After singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars KSE with high enthusiasm, the activity continued with a presentation related to the activities of the KSE scholarship recipients delivered by the chairman of the KSE UNTIRTA association. In his presentation, Farah explained several activities carried out by the KSE UNTIRTA scholarship recipients, one of which was related to Community Development Program and other social activities. Speeches were delivered by several parties who were present, including:
1. Tb. Bahtera Rohimudin, SE., M.Si - Kepala Biro Akademik, Kemahasiswaan dan Perencanaan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
2. Dendi Riyadi Utomo - DBM Bussines PT Bank Tabungan Negara, Tbk Cabang Kota Cilegon
3. Hengky Poerwowidagdo - Sekretaris I dan Chief Operating Officer Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat
Each party expressed their gratitude to all parties for the cooperation that has been established. With the assistance of this scholarship, it will certainly provide many benefits to the scholarship recipients, not only financial benefits but also personal development for the scholarship recipients. The campus representative expressed the hope that in the future there will be more scholarship recipients joining the KSE scholarship program, especially from UNTIRTA. Finished with welcoming speeches by several parties, followed by giving souvenirs by KSE to BTN and UNTIRTA, and continued with giving souvenirs by BTN to KSE and UNTIRTA.
Not only was there a ceremony to hand over souvenirs, this activity also carried out the handover of automatic trash cans (TONGSIS) created by students of Technology for Indonesia or TFI, which is one of the flagship programs of the KSE scholarship. On this occasion, representatives from the Jagantara team, which is the name for the team that makes TONGSIS, conveyed a few tutorials and innovations from this TONGSIS. By using sensors, this TONGSIS is able to detect the type of waste that will be put into the trash can, and the trash can will automatically open according to the type, namely organic and non-organic. This TONGSIS will be given to BTN as a form of gratitude for the assistance that BTN has provided to KSE. Together, representatives from the TONGSIS team handed it over to BTN representatives and were followed by taking a group photo.
The highlight and main event of this activity was the delivery of material by BTN which was delivered by Mr. Dendi Riyadi Utomo – DBM Bussines PT Bank Tabungan Negara, Tbk Cilegon City Branch, in the first material he delivered regarding career management that can be pursued in the banking world, especially in banks BTN itself. To enter the world of work at BTN requires several entry stages, with different levels. There are several things that must be considered to become a BTN-ers, namely the term for BTN employees, one of which is the stages that must be passed, starting from administrative selection to the final selection stage, namely the final interview. In this session, many questions emerged from the participants, quite high enthusiasm was shown by the participants who wanted to continue their career path in the banking world.
The second material was also presented by Mr. Dendi, to become a BTN-er, of course you have to know what BTN is and what products are in it. Starting from the history of BTN itself to the products owned by BTN such as BTN savings, BTN Mobile banking to the newest application, namely bale. This is felt to be quite tangential to the first material, by knowing how BTN works and what is in it, it is hoped that this can be a good collaboration to create a cool generation of BTN-ers.