Karya Salemba Empat Foundation ("KSE") together with one of the donors, PT Samuel Aset Manajemen ("SAM") carried out the "Event & Inauguration of Community Development" activity. This activity was held at Udayana University Bali on January 12-13, 2024. This activity was attended by more than 100 KSE scholarship recipients from 5 KSE partner universities, namely:

1. Universitas Udayana

2. Universitas Airlangga

3. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

4. Universitas Brawijaya

5. Universitas Nusa Cendana


On January 12, 2024 the first day of Face-to-Face was held with speakers by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo and Mr. Marsangap P. Tamba. The first material presented by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo talked about the socialization of the KSE Scholarship Program, he explained the material related to the KSE Scholarship Program which was expected to be presented by one delegation of spokespersons for each Paguyuban at their respective socialization events well and in accordance with expectations. In addition, he also explained about KSE such as KSE Vision and Mission, Founder, Board of Trustees, Board of Supervisors, Board of Management, Donor Relations, KSE Footsteps from 1995 until now, Higher Education Partners which currently have reached 35 state universities, reasons for joining the KSE scholarship, KSE scholarship programs offered such as Regular Scholarships, Superior Scholarships, Technology for Indonesia, Entrepreneurship Academy, Community Development, as well as various training, workshops, mentoring, and coaching. Furthermore, he also explained the KSE Development Roadmap which starts from Expectation, Exploration, Experience, Example, and Expertise.  In the socialization material, there was a discussion about the Scholarship Recipients Association as a community of scholarship recipients from each state university that is shown to develop self-potential, train abilities, have high fighting power, prepare for careers, contribute to the Indonesian nation, and expand relationships.

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The second material was delivered in the form of a Talkshow presented by Mr. Marsangap P. Tamba as the Speaker along with guided by the Moderator on behalf of Abijana Dharmananta focusing on the values of KSE and its organization. The talkshow discussed the background of KSE, its Vision and Mission, KSE Founder, KSE Board, KSE Milestones from 1995 until now, KSE PTN Partners, KSE-related facts such as the distribution of KSE scholarship recipients by class year and faculty as well as the ratio of applicants and scholarship recipients, the criteria for KSE scholarship applicants, the types of KSE scholarships namely regular scholarships, superior scholarships, Entrepreneur Academy, and Technology for Indonesia along with additional programs namely Leadership Program, Workshop/Coaching Seminar (Online & Offline), Student Community Program (Community Development), and Alumni Community Program. In addition, Mr. Marsangap P. Tamba also explained about the recruitment process, the reports that need to be made, namely Report 1 for the report on the receipt of scholarship money every month, Report 2 for the report on the use of scholarship money, Report 3 for the IP value report every semester, and Report 4 for the activity report. The talkshow continued with a discussion on Partnership with Donors which explained the relationship between KSE and Donors.


Furthermore, the second day of TM was held on January 13, 2024. The activity began with a regional dance performance by one of the dance UKM at Udayana University, Bali. Before being opened by the MC who is one of the representatives of KSE UNUD. After singing the Indonesia Raya song and the KSE Mars which took place very solemnly and enthusiastically, the activity continued with a presentation on the activities and achievements of KSE students at the 5 universities above, Khrisna delivered the presentation which contained what achievements were achieved by KSE students both at the national and international levels, also related to the programs implemented by the association, including Community Development programs and other social activities.

Remarks were also delivered by several parties, including

1.     Marsangap P Tamba – Ketua Eksekutif Yayasan karya Salemba Empat

2.    Adrian Karim Januar – Head of Research PT Samuel Aset Manajemen

3.    Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T.,Ph.D. – Wakil Rektor III Bidang Kemahasiswaan


All three expressed their gratitude for the collaboration created between various parties, with this collaboration being able to create a superior generation that not only achieves academically but also has high social care and contributes to society. They hope that this collaboration can continue with an increasing number of recipients and benefits.

After the speeches were delivered by several parties, it was continued with the giving of souvenirs from KSE to Udayana University and also to PT Samuel Aset Manajemen.


On this occasion, the material will be delivered by SAM in two sessions. The first material was delivered by Adrian Karim Januar. The material presented by Mr. Adrian Karim Januar as the speaker focused on providing an overview to students how important Leadership is with the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) method, along with Today's World and Preparing Future Skills. Adrian also said that VUCA Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity are then answered with VUCA, namely Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Agility. We must also have the necessary skills, such as the 10 priority skills that mostly consist of soft-skills, namely Leadership and Social Influence, Empathy and active listening, and so on. Entrepreneurial spirit is not the same as opening your own business. One of the soft skills needed is Higher-Order Thinking Skill as an accumulation of knowledge for life capital. We can take a red thread from every moment. After the interesting explanation about VUCA, it was continued with QnA between the speaker and the participants.


The second session continued with a Talkshow presented by Muhammad Abdul Aziz as the Speaker along with the Moderator, Ni Luh Fitriana, focusing on providing an overview of Career Management in the investment world, providing an overview of what must be prepared to achieve the desired career, and providing an overview of how to arrange a career path. Before that, Aziz also explained how to invest in the capital market and what the benefits are. There are several skills or abilities that must be possessed by someone to achieve the desired career, such as we need to know and understand several hard skills such as economics, finance, politics, software, and statistics. And there are tons of career opportunities available in the investment world such as Equity Analyst, Investor Relations, Dealer, and so on.


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