Creating a smart Indonesia is one of the joint missions of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. ("SIG") and Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat ("KSE") in building an advanced and self-sufficient Indonesian Nation. Since 2021 SIG has supported the scholarship programme promoted by the KSE Foundation. In 2023, SIG again supported KSE by providing scholarships to 40 students at universities in Indonesia. 500 Million Rupiah is given by SIG through KSE to support this programme.
In addition to providing scholarships, SIG also provides soft skills training to students. One of them is through the Scholarship Recipient Face-to-Face activity held at Diponegoro University on 14-15 October 2023. This activity was attended by 120 scholarship recipient students from Diponegoro University, Sebelas Maret State University and Gadjah Mada University. The hope is that this activity can improve the soft skills of students, especially in preparing themselves to become graduates with high integrity and professionalism.
Present at this activity to give a speech was Ella Nusantoro - Donor Relations Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat. Ella Nusantoro gave a message that "The contribution of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. ("SIG") as a donor plays a big role in giving hope to student recipients to prepare themselves for the future. We thank you very much for the synergy that exists with SIG in supporting the continuity of the studies of outstanding students who are experiencing economic difficulties. We hope that the students can make the best use of the support provided by SIG by completing their education and can benefit both themselves and the surrounding community."
As a form of concern for the education of the nation's children, SIG is committed to providing useful soft skills education. And on this occasion Sumarlan Wibawa - Senior Vice President of Human Capital Semen Indonesia provided education to students with the material "Leadership & Career Management". "Stands Out Among the Crowd", be someone different to become a Good Leader", was one of his messages to the students.
Tatan A. Taufik - Co-founder & Supervisory Board of Karya Salemba Empat Foundation also provided insight to the students through the material "KSE Value and Organisation". In this session, he recounted the beginning of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation and how the 8 founders of KSE began to provide scholarships to 3 students at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1995 until now they can provide scholarships to thousands of students with 35 state university partners in almost all of Indonesia. Their commitment and shared passion to educate the nation has always been at the forefront in raising the name of KSE over the years.
On the second day, one of the founders of KSE also educated the students about "Change Management", Basya G. Himawan. In addition to being interactive, armed with his life experience in one of the companies and his passion as a domestic and foreign football commentator, he then gave students a group assignment to conduct a case study on change management that has been carried out by 2 organisations to sustain and continue to grow. This session made the students become active to discuss, ask questions and make presentations.
Considering the current situation and condition of the Mental Health of students in Indonesia, KSE considers it necessary to provide material on "Mental Health in Leadership". The presenter was a Mental Health Practitioner from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr Karina Kalani Firdaus, SpKJ. The students were not too far apart in age and there was good interaction between her and the students. The questions and answers given are very relevant to what happens in their environment. His message was that we must be aware of the symptoms and signs of mental disorders and recognise the risk of psychiatric crisis. Self-diagnosis should not be done and should be done by competent people such as general practitioners, psychologists, or psychiatrists. And before we help others we must help ourselves.
In closing this activity, Hengky Poerwowidagdo - Secretary I & Chief Operating Officer of Karya Salemba Empat Foundation gave a message to the students, that as KSE students must have commitment, be active in every activity, dare to innovate and have a social spirit and empathy for others. What has been done during the lecture period, the activities carried out together with KSE in various activities ranging from community development, innovation, entrepreneurship is your capital to become an excellent person as a KSE scholarship recipient student.