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Still a series of activities carried out at Udayana University with one of the donors, PT Samuel Aset Manajemen ("SAM") on January 13, 2024, the activity continued with the inauguration of the SD waste bank Community Development which is run directly by KSE UNUD. This inauguration activity was held at SDN 01 Petang, Bali which is a partner of the SD waste bank program. By cooperating with students from SDN 01 Petang, starting from grades 3-5, the event began with a series of ecobricking competitions by elementary school students. They were divided into 5 groups with about 17 children per group. In this activity there were also remarks from various parties, including:

1.     Marsangap P Tamba – Ketua Eksekutif Yayasan karya Salemba Empat

2.    Adrian Karim Januar – Head of Research PT Samuel Aset Manajemen

3.    Cok Istri Mirah Dian Rahayu – Kepala Sekolah SDN 01 Petang

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A big thank you was conveyed by Mrs. Cok as the principal, because this activity really had an impact on the students, they cared more about the environment and began to form their mindset regarding waste that waste could be processed into something useful and make money. Gratitude was also expressed by KSE and SAM for the willingness of the elementary school to accept this program collaboration and hope that in the future the program can run smoothly and have a greater impact.

After the speeches, there was a symbolic ribbon cutting which was directly represented by Mrs. Cok, Mr. Marsangap and Mr. Adrian. After that, it was continued with the handover of the giving board as a sign of inauguration and the handover of souvenirs from various parties to SDN 01 Petang.

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Meanwhile, in the back there were still children decorating ecobricks for the competition, accompanied by the PIC of each group, who were still eager to show their best ecobricks.

On this occasion there was also an exhibition of comdev products owned by the associations that were present at the time, namely KSE UNDANA, UNAIR, UB and ITS. By explaining their products to donors and foundations, they managed to sell several products. After exploring the comdev product exhibition, the judging of the students' ecobricks continued.

Each group received a prize for each category, in the form of trophies, medals and snacks, not only that, each group was also given a prize money according to the number of bottles they used to make the ecobrick. The elementary school students had also been instructed to make their own piggy banks made from used mineral water bottles that were decorated according to their creations and would be filled with money from their ecobrick purchases. There were happy faces and enthusiasm on the faces of the children as they struggled to make their ecobrick creations.

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