PT Bundamedik TBK (BMHS) as one of the donors of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation has held a Mental Health seminar to provide education related to health among the current generation. This activity was held on Thursday, January 9 2025 online via the Zoom application, attended by scholarship recipients spread from Sabang to Merauke. Participants in this seminar reached approximately 130 students who were very active and enthusiastic about taking part in the series of events which started at 14.00 WIB until 16.30 WIB. This activity began with an opening by the MC singing the song Indonesia Raya, KSE march, PT Bundamedik Tbk company profile and PT Bundamedik Tbk themesong. The series of activities continued with a speech delivered by Mr. Adrian Karim Januar as general chairman of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation. Mr. Adrian expressed his gratitude for the support provided by PT Bundamedik Tbk to the KSE Foundation and hoped that they would continue to collaborate in the future. Then the second speech was delivered by Mrs. Emilia Rouli as Chief Human Capital Officer of PT Bundamedik Tbk. Mrs. Emilia said that the problems that are often faced today are regarding mental health, especially for generation Z children. It is hoped that the existence of mental health seminars can be a forum for generation Z to be more care about mental health.


Then continued with a presentation of the achievements of students who received PT Bundamedik Tbk scholarships. In this presentation session, there were 6 students who had good achievements from international, national, regional and campus scales. Students actively participate in various academic and non-academic activities while they are scholarship recipients, including social activities. Social activities consist of simultaneous tree planting events at 40 points in 35 PTNs throughout Indonesia and ecobrick educational activities simultaneously at 40 points in 35 PTNs throughout Indonesia.


The next series is a joint photo between PT Bundamedik Tbk and the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation. This photo is a symbol of cooperation which is expected to continue in the future.

Entering the core material, in this seminar the material was delivered by Mrs. Adisty Ghaisani Muthi'ah as People Development Specialist at PT Bundamedik Tbk. The material presented was about mental health, especially for today's young generation, with the theme "Mental Health to become a more positive person". Mrs. Adisty delivered the material communicatively to the participants so that the participants actively asked questions using the chat box feature in the zoom meeting.


First of all, the participants were asked to calculate a happiness scale or what is called the happiness spectrum, namely a scale of happiness that is seen from what we feel at the moment. There are five levels in the happiness spectrum calculation, namely Disconnect, a feeling of not caring about everything. Then Distress, a state of feeling depressed and anxious. Then, surving is a condition of feeling resigned to doing everything as it is. Next, the Accepting stage is a state of feeling at peace with the current challenges. And the last one is Happy, which is a condition that develops oneself and focuses on future goals. Then it was conveyed that happiness is the biggest investment in every individual's life, so there is something called the Happiness Bank which is divided into 3 pockets. The first is on the happy me scale, the second is happy life and the third is happy future.


Happy me is explained as a condition where oneself is able to provide reactions to handle all feelings that do not refer to negative feelings such as blaming. Then happy life is explained as a condition when you are able to understand your own abilities and those of others. In this condition it is usually done openly and of course we need to have boundaries. Then the happy future pocket is when we are able to know our own goals and desires for the future.


The series of activities continued with a question and answer session, Mrs. Adisty held an open discussion with the participants. The first question was asked by Fenanda from the KSE USK community, Firman from the KSE UNIMED community, then Izzati from the KSE UINSU community and Wendy from the KSE USU community. The questions asked are about suggestions and input on how to be happy and positive, both for yourself, your family and your circle of friends.


During the question and answer session, Mrs. Emelia also added extraordinary insight. There are so many mental health cases that are currently plaguing generation Z, participants were given tips and advice regarding handling burn out. The first tip, we need to focus on prioritizing me time and dividing our time. Then there is a need for sufficient time and food and sleep as well as increasing spiritual approaches to the Almighty. Therefore, we need to be individuals who do not hold grudges and are able to share stories with friends, family or journaling. After the entire series was completed, the seminar was closed by the MC by providing conclusions from the material and a question and answer session.


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