This activity was attended by 36 students from 8 State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia who were recipients of PTPN III and Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE) scholarships. PTPN III Scholarship recipients consisted of 17 students of the University of North Sumatra (USU), 4 students of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), 3 students of the University of Indonesia (UI), 2 students of Brawijaya University (UB), 3 students of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), 2 students of Diponegoro University (UNDIP), 4 students of Padjajaran University (UNPAD) and 1 student of Udayana University (UNUD). The training took place from 17 - 22 July 2019 at the Sei Karang Training Centre, North Sumatra.
The event began with the opening of the activity, which was attended by the Head of Human Resources of PTPN III Mr Kamal Fasya Pakpahan, KSE Chief Operating Officer Mr Hengky Poerwowidagdo, PTPN III and KSE staff. After the opening ceremony the participants were directed to the Palm Oil Mill at KP Rambutan. In this case each participant received material about an overview of the plantation, starting from the history of the establishment of PT Perkebunan Nunsatara III to the corporate culture that is applied both in the Factory and in the plantation. On the next day the participants went directly to the Palm Oil and Rubber plantations. In addition, they also saw the processing of palm oil directly at the KP Rambutan Palm Oil Mill.
On the third day, the participants received the material "Career Management" presented by the Head of the Personnel Admin Section of the PTPN III Human Resources Section, Mrs Yunita Nasution. The participants were provided with an overview of the career paths in PTPN III to prepare the participants to face the career world in PTPN III. Furthermore, they received the material "How To Present Yourself I" from Mrs Rima Olivia (Trainer Dayaguna Consulting). In addition, they also received material from Mr TO Suprapto about the basics of entrepreneurship in agricultural cultivation which is as a basic capital for the participants to be applied at the social project site and in their respective associations.
On Saturday 20 July 2019 the participants received materials from Ibu Rima Olivia on "How To Present Yourself II" and "Presentation For The Employee". On the next day, the participants received materials from KSE Alumni in North Sumatra. They received material on "Career Coaching" on how to make a CV and the flow of job interviews. On the sixth day, the participants conducted a Community Service Activity. In this activity, all participants worked together to implement all their knowledge to the community around PTPN as a form of gratitude to PTPN in two forms of programmes KRPL (Sustainable Food House Area) and coaching programmes. The KRPL (Sustainable Food Home Area) programme was built in three residents' yards which included vegetable cultivation using the verticulture method using paralon containers and catfish cultivation in the available ponds.
Seventh grade social media usage coaching programme and School Student Council training at YPAK Junior High School. The purpose of this activity is to specifically inform the bad impact of gadgets at an early age and motivate them not to use gadgets excessively to produce a positive impact. In addition, the training for the School Student Council also aims to create leaders who are ready to bring positive changes to the school and encourage them to be active in the organisation of the School Student Council at school. Later in the afternoon, the closing ceremony of PTPN III Leadership Camp II Batch 1 took place at the Sei Karang Training Centre.