
Online, Microsoft Teams - Monday, November 11, 2024 - PT Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia (PT BNPPI) together with Yayasan Karya Salemba (KSE) held a program to improve financial literacy and readiness to enter the world of work for KSE students in Eastern Indonesia. This activity occurred online through the Microsoft Teams platform and was attended by 150 participants from six KSE partner universities in eastern Indonesia. The participating universities included Nusa Cendana University (UNDANA) Kupang, Pattimura University (UNPATTI) Ambon, Cenderawasih University (UNCEN) Jayapura, Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT) Manado, Tadulako University (UNTAD) Palu, and Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) Makassar. The main objective of this program is to strengthen the financial literacy of KSE students in eastern Indonesia so that they have a strong understanding of financial management and personal financial planning. In addition, this program also provided additional material on self-preparation for final-year students in facing the world of work, as an initial provision for those who will enter the professional world.


The event opened at 13.30 WIB and was opened by Mastef Of Ceremony (MC), followed by singing the Indonesia Raya song and KSE Mars, and then Mr. Christanto Pranata as KSE Donor Relations who said that KSE began providing scholarships to Eastern Indonesian students since 2010 which started from UNSRAT, then shifted again to UNDANA 2012, UNTAD 2014, UNHAS, UNPATTI, & UNCEN 2016. This year there are 328 KSE scholarship recipients in eastern Indonesia. PT BNPPI has been providing scholarships since 2015, especially for students in the Eastern region. “We thank BNPPI for supporting and cooperating in realizing the education progress for the nation's children. Hopefully, this collaboration can run well in the future.” Said Mr. Christanto.


The next event was the delivery of the first material, which was delivered by Mr. Findal Darmaja as Relationship Manager, Corporate Coverage PT Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia related to Financial Literacy. In his presentation, Mr. Findal explained the key components of financial literacy itself, which is a basic material that is very important to be known by KSE Eastern Indonesia students, so that they have a good understanding of personal financial management, and can manage their finances wisely and on target. Not only that, Mr. Findal also conveyed that the basis of good money management is having a clear financial plan, discipline in saving, and allocating funds wisely to achieve long-term financial goals. Mr. Findal's explanation made our friends enthusiastic and asked about the right conditions to start investing. This was answered well by Mr. Findal that, “To start investing, the most important thing is to ensure that basic needs are met, have an emergency fund, and be ready to face existing risks.” Mr. Findal said as he closed his session.


The second material that was no less interesting was delivered by Ms. Seskia Agil Balfas as Head of HR PT BNP Paribas Indonesia, who discussed career management. Ms. Seskia's session was very interesting, because she was able to create a dynamic interaction between the speaker and the participants. Every material presented is always followed by questions and perspectives that involve participants, so that they can recognize themselves, including their dreams and interests in choosing a field of work that suits their respective aspirations. This session invited many questions, one of which was about the skills needed in recruitment. Ms. Seskia answered that for fresh graduates, the most important things are discipline, good communication skills, flexibility, and the ability to work in a team. The session was closed with a message from Mrs. Seskia to KSE students in eastern Indonesia; “Find your passion, because that will guide you to success.” Hopefully, students can achieve their dream profession. Mrs. Seskia's message also closed the event which ended at 17.00 WIB, ending with a photo session with all participants and speakers.


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