On Wednesday 16 August 2023, PT BRI Manajemen Investasi held a symbolic awarding of the winners of the InvestASIK educational video competition, where this competition was held from 29 May 2023 with several sub-themes about investment. In this competition, 706 videos participated in this competition from 35 KSE partner PTNs throughout Indonesia
The speech given by Secretary I & Chief Operating Officer of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE), Hengky Poerwowidagdo, expressed his gratitude to BRI Investment Management which has provided support to KSE and hopes that in the future good relations between KSE and BRI-MI can be maintained. well. Next, the speech from PT BRI Manajemen Investasi was given by Bagus Setiawan as Associate Director of Retail Distribution. He expressed his gratitude and was very happy because BRI-MI could facilitate KSE scholarship recipients to be more creative and innovative to achieve the future.
The event continued with the symbolism of giving prizes to 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners as well as the most participants from KSE partner associations.
The association with the most participants was Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA) with a prize of IDR 5,000,000 given by Hengky Poerwowidagdo.
Next, prizes were awarded to the first, second and third runners-up, which were obtained by:
· Fitroh Tetuko - KSE IPB (Hope I)
· Mariska Zanatullaila - KSE UPI (Harapan II)
· Jihadul Akbar Fisabilillah - KSE ITS (Hope III)
Hope I, II and III will get a prize of IDR 1,500,000.
Furthermore, the prize giving for the third place winner was Dhimas Kurniawan from UIN North Sumatra who was entitled to a prize of IDR 2,500,000.
Next, the prize for second place winner was Wan Teja Kusuma from the University of Riau who was entitled to a prize of IDR 5,000,000.
Furthermore, the prize giving for First Place was won by Gallant Son Moslem from the Bogor Agricultural Institute who was entitled to a prize of IDR 7,500,000 which was given by Bagus Setiawan.
At the end of the event, Gallant, as the first winner, expressed his thanks to BRI-MI and KSE and also gave encouragement to other students to continue to innovate and continue to develop towards the future.