
The Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE) with support from the Give2Asia Foundation again held face-to-face activities which were held at the Indonesian Education University (UPI) Campus, Bandung. A series of materials presented at the "Mental Health" activity by Dr. Karina Kalani Firdaus, SpKj, "Strong Communication" by Sinta Setyaningsih, "KSE Values, Organizational and Leadership Skills" by Mr. Salusra Satria and "BTI Company Profile & Choosing the Right Career" by the BTI Executive Search Team. This activity was held on 24-26 November 2023. This activity was attended by 135 students receiving KSE scholarships from the Indonesian Education University (UPI), Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), North Sumatra University (USU), Parahyangan University (UNPAR) and ITHB, Bandung. A total of 28 of them are general students from UPI.

Friday, November 24 2023. Presentation of "Mental Health" material by Dr. Karina Kalani Firdaus, SpKj., a Mental Health practitioner from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Dr. Karina explained that Mental Health is closely related to students' lives in carrying out lectures and other activities. Dr. Karina also explained the early signs of mental disorders and how we can deal with them when we are in this condition. Apart from that, Dr Karina also explained about Mental Crisis. We must be more aware of this and recognize the risks of mental crisis itself.

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Saturday, November 25 2023. Presentation of "Powerful Communication" material by Sinta Setyaningsih as Head of Corporate Communication GoTo. He explained how to communicate well to convey messages so that they are easy to understand. Mrs. Sinta also explained how to have the courage to do Public Speaking, and also gave 3 things that must be done when public speaking, namely know yourself, don't be afraid of making mistakes and have fun.


Sunday, 26 November 2023. The presentation of the material "KSE Value Organization and Leadership Skill" by Mr Salusra Satria as the Co-Founder and Supervisory Board of KSE with moderator Rendy Aries Fajrin, one of the KSE alumni from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Mr Salusra gave insight to the students about the establishment of KSE. Starting from 3 scholarship recipients at the Faculty of Economics UI to more than 2,000 scholarship recipients at 35 state universities in Indonesia. He also talked about the importance of networking in building KSE. In addition, he also presented material related to Leadership, how to be a good leadership in order to lead in accordance with what is desired.


The activity continued with the presentation of the material "Company profile BTI & Choosing the Right Career" by Mr Jeremy Gemarista as Associate Director - BTI Executive Search. He explained how to start choosing a career that suits the field we want, the participants were also very enthusiastic in this activity. Because, not only explaining the material but made groups and games that are very interesting.

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