
PT Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia ("BNPPI") together with the KSE scholarship association of UIN Jakarta on May 20, 2023 yesterday carried out Monitoring and Evaluation activities of the Community Development program implemented by the KSE scholarship association of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This activity is located at Cinangka Indah Fishing Ground, Depok. The total participants in this activity were 40 people with details of representatives from the KSE UIN Jakarta students as many as 24 people, and also comdev partner communities, namely Karang Taruna RW 03 Cinangka Village and RW 09 residents who are customers and administrators of the Waste Bank program, a total of 16 people attended. Furthermore, representatives from BNPPI as many as 7 people, namely :

1. Inne Tresnadewi Syamsudin – Direktur Kepatuhan

2. Siti Parani – Head of FI Coverage

3. Mindo Nainggolan

4. Anita Prasetyowati

5. Yulia Ramadika Wibowo

6. Aguslena Zai

7. Zakinah


This series of activities began with an opening by an MC guided directly by one of the KSE UIN Jakarta students, followed by short remarks from representatives from KSE and also BNPPI, represented by Mrs. Siti Parani as Head of FI Coverage. A brief explanation regarding the implementation of the program was also presented as an effort to provoke discussion topics (FGD) that would be carried out. The participants were divided into 4 groups according to their respective programs, namely Waste Bank, Pomfret Fish Cultivation, Making Alternative Feed from Water Hyacinth and also Maggot Cultivation. This FGD activity was guided directly by facilitators from KSE as well as from BNPPI. Each group discussed with each other how the program was running, what obstacles were encountered during the implementation of the program and also future plans related to the program's development.


Still in the FGD time series, the students along with the community and BNPPI monitoring went directly to the comdev location to directly review and witness a brief demo of making alternative feed carried out by students, the purpose of this brief demo is to provide an overview to the Youth Organization which is a new partner who will later participate in the implementation of this community development program. Here also shown how the condition of the maggot cage and also the pond containing pomfret fish.

Finished with direct monitoring to the location, discussion activities continued before finally each group presented the results of the discussion. From the results of the discussion presented, there were many solutions and plans that could be made so that the program could run better and develop.


The FGD regarding the program with BNPPI has ended after presenting the results of the discussions from each group, but discussions continue with KSE students and Karang Taruna as well as representatives from KSE staff. Discussions continue regarding the formation of new management in the implementation of comdev which will be held by Karang Taruna RW 03. From the results of this discussion, new management from Karang Taruna along with PICs from KSE UIN Jakarta students have been formed. Not only regarding the composition of the comdev management structure, but on this occasion also discussed the technical aspects of how to implement the comdev program in the future, such as rescheduling activities, plans for moving locations and so on.

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