Karya Salemba Empat Foundation ("KSE") together with one of the donors, namely Mrs. Parwati Surjaudaja as President Director of Bank OCBC NISP held an activity with the theme "Leadership Development for Women". This activity will be held on Tuesday, September 26 2023 at the OCBC on Space BSD Building, Tangerang. This activity was attended by a total of 30 female students from various universities receiving KSE scholarships, starting from UPI, UNPAD, ITB, ITS, UNDIP, UNSRI, UI, UNJ, and UIN Jakarta.
The activity began with an opening by the MC, who on this occasion was assigned to Elvetta Nur Nazhirah who is a KSE IPB student. As in general, the activity continued with singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars KSE, the participants with high enthusiasm sang the 2 mandatory songs in every activity carried out by KSE.
The speech from the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation was represented by Mr. Ahmad Solihin as Deputy Executive Chairman of KSE, he expressed his gratitude to OCBC, especially Mrs. Parwati, who has been supporting the KSE scholarship program, where assistance is not only provided for the regular scholarship program but also assistance in implementing coaching programs such as Sharing Sessions and Community Development Programs.
The next event was a brief explanation of the programs run by KSE, especially those in which there was a contribution from women and the achievements of Ms Parwati's students. The explanation of this program was explained by Arina Ahlam Halimi who is a KSE UI student, and continued with a short explanation regarding the KarCIS program or Koperasi Serdas Indonesia Sejahtera, an explanation of the KarCIS program was delivered by Kak Hani Siti Rukmanah who is the Secretary of KarCIS itself and is also an alumni recipient of the KSE UNPAD scholarship, this KarCIS program is also one of the programs whose initial establishment was fully supported by OCBC NISP to date, this support is in the form of grant funds and the use of transactions using OCBC NISP. After presenting the presentation by Arina and Kak Hani, Mrs. Parwati gave her feedback or response, she said that she was very proud of the students who were currently present in front of her, their achievements and steps were very encouraging both on the international and national levels, and of course impact on the surroundings.
After providing responses to the programs presented by students and alumni, Mrs. Parwati continued by filling the activity with a sharing session, she delivered very interesting material, this material was related to the role and strength of a woman to become a leader or leader. He also explained that the company he is currently leading, namely OCBC NISP, has a very high level of understanding regarding gender diversification. Almost more than 50% of the total employees of OCBC NISP are women, this indicates that the role of women is very high. He also explained the focus of OCBC NISP in the future, whether related to development or other great things that have been developed currently, such as the construction of a new building, namely On Space OCBC, which was built with zero emissions in mind. Mrs. Parwati explained the explanation both from a personal and company perspective very interestingly, this attracted quite a lot of enthusiasm from fellow students who were participants in this activity. There were around 8 questions that came from fellow students to Mrs. Parwati, both questions related to personal life and about OCBC NISP.
After the sharing session was finished, it was followed by a group photo and continued with an explanation of the program or career at OCBC NISP by the OCBC NISP HR representative. On this occasion, it was explained that you can enter and start a career at OCBC through various routes, such as the special route for fresh graduates to the route for professionals. Not only that, HR also explained internship programs and soft skills training that students could take part in. These programs are very open to the public and can be accessed easily. After this explanation, a QnA session was also opened to answer questions that arose from the participants.
And the final activity is the Office Tour, the participants are invited to go around to see the atmosphere and appearance of the OCBC NISP office, the office tour starts from the 7th floor then goes to the 5th floor, continues to the 6th floor and ends back on the 7th floor. The participants are very enthusiastic because The interior design of the OCBC NISP office is very nice and eye-catching.