The Character Building Workshop and Scholarship Recipient Face-to-Face event is one of the major events in the course of one management period of the KSE UNUD Scholarship Recipient Association, commonly referred to as KSE Anindyaguna. This event is held at several universities and is organised by the association at the respective university. In October 2015, Paguyuban Anindyaguna Karya Salemba Empat Udayana University, had the honour of being appointed as the host of the event. The event took place over two days, on 30 and 31 October 2015, at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, Jalan Pulau Nias Number 13 Sanglah, Denpasar. The event took the theme "Building Education Character Through Sharing, Networking, and Developing with KSE" with the hope that through events like this can provide additional knowledge to build a more characterful world of education.

The series of Character Building Workshop events held on 30 October 2015, which began with the reading of prayers, singing Indonesia Raya, singing the march of KSE Nusantara, after which it was filled with remarks, beginning with remarks from the Chairman of the Association Anindyaguna KSE Udayana University by Ni Luh Putu Vina Austriani, remarks KSE Foundation by Mrs. Ami Tantri as Vice Chairman of the KSE Foundation, remarks PT. XL Axiata Tbk by Alfie T. Prasetyo as General Manager Performance Management, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk by Deni Puspahadi as Head of CSR Manager Indofood, and the last speech as closing remarks while officially opening the event by Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Weda Kusuma, M.S., Assistant Dean III of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University.

The event continued with the BISMA and XL Future Leader interview selection which was attended by several scholarship recipients, while scholarship recipients who did not participate in the interview were given material on "Integrating Life Potentials" by Mrs Ami Tantri and "Meaning of Life" material by one of the founders of the KSE Foundation, Satriadi Indarmawan.

On the next day, 30 October 2015, was the Scholarship Recipient Face-to-Face Event which began with a video screening from the KSE Foundation, reading prayers, singing Indonesia Raya, singing the KSE Nusantara Mars song, then remarks from Arief Wana as Chairman of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, then remarks from the Vice Rector III of Udayana University by Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna SH, MH, as well as inaugurating the event by beating the gong. The second day was held and packaged through an interactive dialogue with very inspiring speakers namely Sang Made Sumadi - Head of Regional Marketing BPJS KetenagakerjaanBanuspa, Arief Wana - Chairman of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH- Vice Rector III UNUD, and Didiek Adioetomo - HR Coordinator Manager Indofood.

The second day of the event was also interspersed with performances of art creations presented by the KSE UNUD Scholarship Recipients Association or commonly called Anindyaguna. After the lunch break, the second day of the event was closed by R. Ivandeva Irwantoro with the presentation of the material "Working, Meaningful and Together" which succeeded in inviting all participants to focus and have fun then the whole series of events ended with a group photo session. The two-day event was very lively and full of inspiration and very constructive motivation by speakers and presenters who were truly extraordinary.

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