On Wednesday (16/12/15) at around 11.00 WIB, the closing activity for the 2015 "I Love Science" Program took place on the 23rd floor of Hall A Bank OCBC NISP Tower, Jakarta. The 2015 "I Love Science" program is a CSR program from one of the donors of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE), namely Bank OCBC NISP, and in collaboration with the Surya College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP).
Children were seen dressed in white and red uniforms from their respective schools along with accompanying teachers. These children were the best students of the 2015 I Love Science (ILS) program, and were representatives from 15 elementary schools throughout Jabodetabek, consisting of 13 formal schools, namely SDN Rawa Mangun 01 Pagi Jakarta, SDN 05 Bintaro Jakarta, SDN Karet Kuningan 03 Pagi Jakarta, SDN Hang Tuah 6 Jakarta, SDN Tlajung 03 Citeureup Bogor, SDN Pondok Cina 3 Depok, SDN Jati Asih 1 Bekasi, SDN Jati Asih 2 Bekasi, SDN PB Kelapa Dua Tangerang, SDN PB I Kelapa Dua Tangerang, SDN 12 Tangerang, SDN Cijantra III Tangerang, and SDN Cihuni 1 Tangerang. There are 2 informal schools (schools for street children), namely the Terminal Mosque School (Master) Depok and the Diakonia Modern Campus (KDM) Bekasi.
Through this program, elementary school students, especially grade 5, are taught mathematics and science using the Easy, Fun and Fun (GASING) method. The 2015 ILS program series started in August, namely with Training of Trainers (ToT) training for 61 teachers, followed by implementation of teaching in 15 schools for 3 months (September-November) with a total of more than 530 students. Arriving in December, the closing ceremony of the ILS program was packaged in the form of Appreciation for Students and Teachers.
Present at the event were Mrs. Aleta Hanafi (Corporate Communication Division Head of Bank OCBC NISP), Mr. Agus Purwanto, Ph.D. (Lecturer and Chair of the STKIP Surya Research and Community Service Institute), and Mr. Christian P. Somali (Donor Relations of the KSE Foundation).
The opening remarks were started by Mrs. Aleta, she said "through this collaboration, namely between Bank OCBC NISP, STKIP Surya, and the KSE Foundation, of course we can achieve more optimal results in making the nation's life smarter, for a better Indonesia," said Mrs. Aleta . Followed by remarks from representatives of STKIP Surya by Mr. Agus Purwanto, Ph.D., and Mr. Christian P. Somali.
The next event was the Fast and Accurate Competition, where the participants were the best students from 15 schools. Various appreciations and awards given by Bank OCBC NISP to students and teachers in the 2015 ILS Program:
· 3 best students from each school, a total of 45 students throughout Jabodetabek
· 3 best students between schools The Best Student
- Eugra Eleksirilia, from SDN Pondok Cina 3 Depok, with a score of 99
- M. Abyan Laksamana, from SDN Hang Tuah 6 Jakarta, with a score of 99
- Bayu, from Diakonia Modern Campus (KDM) Bekasi, with a score of 98.
· 4 best teachers (as seen from the increase in class average score above 65%)
Namely the teachers from SDN Karet Kuningan 03 Pagi Jakarta: Mrs. Khoiriyah, Sister Aisha Rachmani Nurfitri, Sister Dyah Indah Adrelia, and Sister Chairunnisa.
· 8 best teachers (as seen from an increase in the average class score above 35%)
- Teachers from SDN Cihuni 1 Tangerang: Mrs. Umi Prihatin, Sister Novandra Sagita, Sister Pia Elisa, and Sister Ayu Dwi Puspita Sari.
- Teachers from SDN Hang Tuah 6 Jakarta: Mrs. Eritawati M., Sister Iman Nur Syuhada, Sister Irina Gustiani, and Sister Ichtiar Rizki Erianti.
With this ILS Program we can see that the implementation of the GASING method is quite intensive, the mathematics learning scores of elementary school students have increased significantly with an average increase of 35% - 65%. So that student scores that previously did not pass the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) can pass the KKM by 2-3 points. Bank OCBC NISP hopes that this GASING learning method can be continued by each teacher to students in other classes. So that improvements can be felt in a wider and sustainable scope.
That's the series of ILS 2015 Programs. Keep up the enthusiasm, brothers!!!