
BOGOR – KSE Entrepreneur Academy Workshop which was held in Bogor was enthusiastically welcomed by participants. This activity is a follow-up to the ongoing KSE Entrepreneur Academy program. The KSE Entrepreneur Academy Workshop which was held in Bogor, on 30 October – 2 November 2017, was attended by 24 participants. They are KSE alumni who are SMEs in various fields ranging from food and beverage, printing, convection, and others.
These are the people who will later become coaches or teachers who accompany and develop KSE student Entrepreneur Academy participants so that in the future they can become advanced entrepreneurs. The activity was held at the TNI AL Megamendung Guest House, Bogor, West Java, opened by Rico Panandista as Program Manager of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation. In his speech, Rico welcomed this activity. He hopes that this activity can help accelerate the KSE Entrepreneur program in creating new entrepreneurs and improving the economy of Indonesian society.
"We hope that this program can create young entrepreneurs who can contribute to the welfare of Indonesian society," he said.

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In addition to providing material on how to become a coach for younger students, this activity also provides participants with more in-depth entrepreneurship material. The goal is for the coaches/teachers to further develop their business so that their insight and experience becomes richer, and in the end, they become even better at guiding their students.
These materials include:

·       Credit Analysis by Andjaja Matram (Commissioner of PT Insight Investments Management) and Indra Gunawan (Head of Alternative Investment PT Insight Investments Management)

·       Product Quality and Delivery by Robyanto Suryawan (Director of PT Nesinak Industries)

·       Cash Flow Management by Satriadi Indarmawan (Director of ‎PT Cipta Krida Bahari)

·       Business to Business: Gaining Trust by Supandi Gunawan (GA Manager PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk.)

·       Pricing strategy, Financial Management and Budgeting, Increasing working capital & balance sheet by Dania Setiabudi (Business Trainer)

·       Business Motivation & Development by People Develop People (Business Trainer)

·       Branding for SMEs & Building a business team for SMEs by Mirza Gulam Indralaksana (Business practitioner)

·       Digital Marketing: FB Ads by Mohammat Faisol and Nurjannah (Business practitioners)

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