
Saturday, 20 November 2021, KSE and PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (Protelindo) held the Protelindo Scholarship Gathering II online through the ZOOM Meeting link. It was held from 07.45 to 21.00 WIB. The number of participants was 38 KSE scholarship recipient students from 25 state universities who were KSE scholarship recipients from ITB, ITS, POLSRI, UB, UGM, UI, ULM, UNCEN, UNDANA, UNDIP, UNHAS, UNILA, UNIMED, UNJ, UNMUL, UNPATTI, UNRI, UNSRAT, UNSRI, USK, UNTAD, UNTIRTA, UNUD, UPR, and USU. This activity is filled with speakers who are engaged in community development, including Nur Saudah Al Arifa D - NU Yogyakarta University Lecturer & Community Mover, Ivan Ahda - Social Innovator Maxima, and Asri Permata Sari - Human Initiative Empowerment Programme Specialist. The aim is to increase the sense of concern and sensitivity to every problem so that it can create good and correct community empowerment in each KSE association.


The opening remarks were given by Mr Okky Brahma Arimurti as Marcomm Manager of PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia and Mr Hengky Poerwowidagdo as Chief Operating Officer of Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat who explained a little about the Community Development that is being done by Beswan KSE. After the event was opened, it was followed by a group photo and the first presentation of the material "Community Development and Empowerment" by Ivan Ahda, Social Innovator Maxima.

Mr Ivan Ahda delivered the material and invited discussions to activate the participation of the participants with an extraordinary presentation related to social empowerment, which empowerment that we do will be very useful in increasing the ability to face the future that will affect the community. It was also explained related to the objectives to the three keys in implementing community empowerment. In this case, the participants gained new knowledge related to vision in a problem that can be likened to an iceberg model, which can be described in events, patterns, structures to models and paradigms.

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The second speaker was Mrs Asri Permata Sari - Human Initiative Empowerment Programme Specialist who explained the material related to the "Social Project Plan". Before entering the material, participants were invited to do a quiz for pre-test and post-test related to the sub-material to be explained. The quiz is guided directly by the resource person where the first winner of each quiz gets Mrs Asri's prize. The first material presentation is social mapping which discusses how to plan in advance before doing a social project so that the project to be carried out can be right on target and the benefits can be felt by the community or the target of the project to be carried out. After that, the second quiz and the second sub-material, Preparation of Social Project Plan, in social mapping or planning has several views which can be seen from all aspects so that it can determine which plans can benefit the community or the target of the project to be carried out.

The 3rd sub-material related to Impact Measurement, after the presentation of all sub-materials, a breakout room was held for the participants according to the groups that had been previously determined. The purpose of the breakout room was held for direct practice and to find out the extent of the participants' understanding of the material that had been explained by discussion with a group of friends. So that the core of the material presented by Mrs Asri is something that is very useful for all of us in determining the direction and objectives in determining targets to planning for community development projects that will be carried out, so that the benefits of the initial purpose of holding a social project community development are brought.


The next speaker, Nur Saudah Al Arifa D., S.T.P., M.Sc - NU Yogyakarta University Lecturer & Community Mover as the next speaker who explained to the participants the importance of doing community development, related to the sensitivity of each individual in dealing with every problem in society. The speaker provides motivation related to self-productivity so that it can still be useful in dealing with various problems as well as adaptation in unexpected circumstances, one of which is the current Covid-19 pandemic. Pandemic conditions do not stop themselves from being useful for society. Whatever the circumstances must continue to make a change for the community for the development of the community itself.



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