Bali, Friday 27 May 2022. KSE UNUD has carried out Financial Literacy activities with PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia and BNI Sekuritas which took place in the UNUD Campus Library Hall with the theme "Friday With PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia and BNI Sekuritas" held by the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation in collaboration with PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia and BNI Sekuritas followed by the public and KSE UNUD scholarship recipient students with a total of around 50 participants.


The event began with the opening of the Cendrawasih dance, followed by the MC reading the prayer and singing the Indonesia Raya song and KSE Mars. Then, followed by remarks from Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU as Vice Rector of Student Affairs of UNUD, Mr Kenny Soejatman as Secretary II of Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, Mr Joshua Tanja as Managing Director and Country Head of PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia and Mrs Ni Nyoman Citasti, SE, MM as representative of BNI Sekuritas Bali Branch.


In this activity, the speakers shared knowledge and knowledge about the introduction of the Indonesian capital market and interesting investment games. PT BNI Sekuritas also offered the BIONS Application (BNI Sekuritas Innovative Online Trading System) as an online trading platform to start investing with a multi investment system. All participants were very enthusiastic in this activity. Because, not only explaining the material but also presented games with prizes that made the participants interested in following it. In the final session, the 5 participants who got the highest points were rewarded with mutual funds. 1st place was won by Ni Luh Putu Rima Susanti by getting a mutual fund of 800,000 thousand rupiah, 2nd place was won by Jordan Dandy Prayoga by getting a mutual fund of 500,000 thousand rupiah, 3rd place was won by A.A Vidya Nirmala Shanti by getting a mutual fund of 300,000 thousand rupiah, 4th place was won by Gusti Ayu Nadiva Prameswari Wartana by getting a mutual fund of 200,000 rupiah and finally 5th place was won by A.A Sg. Diah Suta Narawinda with a mutual fund of 200,000 thousand rupiah.


The purpose of this financial literacy event is to increase the financial inclusion of Indonesians and to make millennials aware of the importance of good financial planning.


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