On 1 December 2023, a series of CSR activities were held by PT BNI Sekuritas (BNIS) together with PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia (UBSSI) facilitated by the Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Foundation at Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), Ciputat, South Tangerang. This is the third event held by BNIS after previously being held at the University of Indonesia (UI) and Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). There are five activities in this series of events.


First, the Financial Literacy activity was held at the Theatre Lt.2 Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the speech was given by Agung Prabowo - President Director of BNI Sekuritas, Prof. Ali Munhanif, M.A., Ph.D - Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Andre Tjahjamuljo - Country Director & Chief Operating Officer UBSSI, and Kennyarso F. Soejatman - Secretary of Karya Salemba Empat Foundation. The event was attended by 100 students with 55 students from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (UIN Jakarta) and 45 other students from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Jakarta State University (UNJ), University of Indonesia (UI), and Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA).


The material "Introduction to Capital Market" was delivered by M. Lutfi Permana - Asisstant Manager Customer Management BNIS. The "Investment Game" simulation was delivered by Andre Tjahjamuljo - Country Director & Chief Operating Officer UBSSI. In the investment game, participants were divided into several groups and the three groups that managed to get the biggest investment profit at the end of the investment game session received a total prize of Rp.4,500,000, - in the form of RDN balances.


The series of activities continued with a Workshop & Report on Community Development, namely Cat Litter and Waste Bank. This activity was delivered by KSE students from UI and UIN Jakarta. The activity ended with the giving of souvenirs from Agung Prabowo BNIS to UIN Jakarta and UBSSI and the symbolic handover of the event to representatives of KSE scholarship recipients.


Third, there were 3 activities carried out in parallel, including Career Coaching, Business Coaching and Financial Literacy for Kids. Career Coaching was held in the Student Centre Hall with 80 students from IPB, UI, UIN Jakarta, UNJ and UNTIRTA participating. The speakers of this activity were employees from BNI, namely Akhmad Hafidzan, Aditya Kresna, and the Human Capital from BNI.


Fourth, at the same time Business Coaching activities were also carried out at the Theatre Lt.2 Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Jakarta with a total of 16 students from IPB, UI, UIN Jakarta, UNJ and UNTIRTA. The presenters of the Business Coaching activities were BNIS employees, namely Andrew Wibawa - Strategic Planning and Pramadithya - Institutional Fixed Income.


Fifth, in parallel with other activities, 17 elementary school students around UIN Jakarta were invited to the Bank BNI UIN Jakarta Branch Office to be given Financial Literacy on the benefits of saving. In addition, together with their parents, they opened BNI accounts at Bank BNI UIN Jakarta.



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