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On Saturday, 27 April 2019, KSE UI held a Financial Literacy Workshop "Getting to Know the Capital Market with PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia", which was attended by the public and KSE UI scholarship recipients with around 90 participants. This activity was a series of events from the KSE UI Batch III Capital Market School (SPM) which was also held on Sunday, 28 April 2019.

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Located in Room P-C 101, Health Sciences Building, University of Indonesia. The speeches were started from the representative of Karya Salemba Empat Foundation by Ella Nusantoro - Donor Relations, then from PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia by Agung Prabowo - Managing Director Head of Corporate Client Solutions, Indonesia, and the representative of Universitas Indonesia by Rosmalita, S. Sos, M. Si. - Head of Sub Directorate of Student Welfare UI.


In this activity, the speakers shared knowledge and knowledge about the capital market and how to invest in stocks, and there were also simulations of stock transactions in a series of interesting games. It is hoped that with this activity, the benefits will be achieved as an initial provision related to investment and the capital market.


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