This Financial Literacy and Investment Games activity was held on Saturday, 25 November 2023 at 13.00 to 17.00 WIB. This activity was attended by officials and employees from PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia, PT BNI Sekuritas, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat. This activity was attended by 93 students from UPI, UNPAD, ITB, USU, ITHB and UKP.
The activity began with a presentation on the achievements obtained by KSE fostered students from the University of Education Indonesia, Padjadjaran University and Bandung Institute of Technology. The presentation was made by Yusuf, Chairman of the UNPAD KSE Association for the 2023 - 2024 Period. In addition, community development activities carried out by the scholarship recipient communities, namely the KSE Association at UPI, UNPAD and ITB, were also presented.
Firstly, the welcome speech was delivered by Mr Hengky Poerwowidagdo - First Secretary & Chief Operating Officer of Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat. He expressed his gratitude for the support of PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia which has collaborated with KSE to provide scholarships to students and training programmes, especially in the field of finance and preparation for the world of work. In addition, the community development programme supported by UBS has made an impact on the community. In the UBS community development programme for 2023-2024, the Waste Bank programme that will be supported again by UBS will be carried out by people with disabilities in Kulon Progo, DI Yogyakarta. KSE hopes that UBS will remain committed together with KSE to educate students and the wider community.
Second, remarks from Mr Joshua Tanja - Main Director of PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia. He welcomed this activity. Where Mr. Joshua always makes time to meet and share about investment and careers in investment companies. UBS also would like to thank partners, namely BNI Sekuritas and the Indonesian Stock Exchange, who participated in this activity. He also said that when he attended the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in San Francisco, United States, where at this activity Bio-Circular became one of the common goals to have an impact on society and the environment. Therefore, he really welcomes the Waste Bank's community development activities which can have an impact on society and the environment.
Third, remarks were delivered by Mr. Achmad Dirgantara, P.H. – Head of the West Java BEI Representative Office. On this occasion he was grateful for being invited to this event by PT UBS Sekuritas. He said that there are still many opportunities for the young generation of Gen Z to become young investors. He also appreciated UBS and BNIS for regularly holding financial literacy activities for students so that students are aware of investment. Apart from that, at UPI there is also an IDX investment gallery which can help students invest from an early age.
Fourth, the foreword was delivered by Mr. Agung Prabowo – Main Director of PT BNI Sekuritas. He expressed his gratitude for the invitation from UBS to share "Introduction to the World of Investment" as well as the opportunity to introduce their retail stock investment application, namely BIONS. He also explained that good relations between UBS and BNIS have been well established, so every literacy activity held by UBS will definitely be attended by BNIS and vice versa.
Fifth, the last speech was delivered by Mr Prof. Dr. H. Suwatno, M.Si. - Director of the Directorate of Student Affairs of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). He highly appreciated the achievements made by KSE students at UPI, UNPAD and ITB. He said that KSE is the 2nd largest scholarship granting institution at UPI. In addition to KSE, several other donors also provide scholarships at UPI, however, the need for scholarships is still very much, so UPI hopes that the number of scholarship recipients can be increased. He also welcomed the financial literacy activities conducted by UBS and BNIS. And hope that the students will be investment literate and become young investors.
As a token of appreciation and gratitude to the Donors and State University Partners, KSE presented them with souvenirs. The symbolisation was done by Mr Hengky Poerwowidagdo to Mr Joshua Tanja, Mr Agung Prabowo and Prof. Dr. H. Suwatno, M.Si.
The material "Introduction to the World of Investment" was delivered by Mr M. Lutfi Permana - Investment Specialist PT BNI Sekuritas. The participants were invited to find out the types of investments, the benefits and losses that can be obtained to the benefits of investing early. In addition, he also introduced the retail investment product application owned by PT BNI Sekuritas called BIONS BNIS. He explained that currently the Gen Z young generation has only reached 7% who have become investors so the opportunity is still very wide open.
Mr Lutfi also explained the types of investment products and gave advice on choosing investment products that suit each personality. Investment cannot be felt quickly but in the coming years the results can be enjoyed. Therefore, the sooner you start investing, the better.
Mr Andre Tjahjamuljo - Country Operating Officer of PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia together with the Team guided the simulation of investing in the Capital Market. This activity was named "Investment Games". This time the participants were divided into several groups.
Then each group was given "halu" capital of Rp.100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah). Then in 5 (five) rounds / year periods starting from 1998 (monetary crisis), the covid-19 pandemic period to post-pandemic. Each group is asked to invest in property, finance, consumption, mining and infrastructure businesses according to various historical backgrounds, economics and situations in Indonesia and the world in that year period with a percentage amount.
Then at the end of the game, the group that gets the most profit will get a prize in the form of mutual funds in BIONS.
At the end of the game, 3 winning groups were obtained, namely:
First place, get a mutual fund prize of Rp.1,000,000, - (one million rupiah) by:
1. Nenden Nur Intan - UPI
1. Ivan Yeremia - UPI
2. Zalfa Nuraeni Rudianto - UPI
3. Kelvin Marciano - UNPAR
4. Lutfi Arief Noerjaman - UPI
5. Sabrina Az-Zahra - UPI
6. Kitsara Aulia Al-Fath - UPI
7. Surani Erni Morowati - UPI
8. Jasmine Juniar - UPI
9. Tobi Anggaesta - UPI
Juara II, mendapatkan hadiah reksadana sebesar Rp.500.000,- (lima ratus ribu rupiah) oleh:
1. Kaffita Dewi - UPI
2. Gina Carolin - UPI
3. Ragil Muhammad Ridho - UNPAD
4. Azi Ilham Anshori - UPI
5. Khairun Nabilah - UPI
6. Salsa Satriani Setiawan - UPI
7. Peni Tirtaningsih - unpad
8. Aina Sabilla - UNPAD
9. Nicolas Brekfit Simbolon - USU
10. Elis Rustiawati - UPI
Third place, with a mutual fund prize of Rp.500.000,- (five hundred thousand rupiah), with the names of its members:
1. Khalisya Gladis Syam - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2. Agrisa Alya Fayza - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
3. Priscilia Tsany Darajat - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
4. Jian Florence Genara - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
5. Muhammad Lutfi Rachman - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
6. Rafi Kamindra - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Miizan Nur Qisthi - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The symbol of awarding prizes was given by Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo, Mr. M. Lutfi Permana, Mrs. Virda Yosefa and Mr. Joshua Tanja to the winning representatives.
Sharing "Career in Investment" was moderated by Mr Andre Tjahjamuljo with speakers from the UBS and BNIS Teams.
Explanations were given starting from the divisions in the company, namely Director, Legal and Compliance, General Affairs, Finance, Research, Trader, Marketing, Sales, Operations and others were given an overview of their respective functions and duties. The thing that can be taken away from this sharing is that various backgrounds can have a career in the investment world. Various majors while running lectures are sometimes not in line with their career choices and can be successful in a career in other fields.