
Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (“KSE”) together with one of the donors, namely PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia (“UBSSI”) carries out routine activities, namely the Financial Literacy & Investments Games. This activity was held on Friday, June 7 2024 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University. This activity was attended by more than 100 participants who were scholarship recipients from KSE Gadja Mada University, KSE Diponegoro University and KSE Sebelas Maret State University. Not only scholarship recipients, this activity was also attended by general students from campuses in the Yogyakarta area. This activity is one of the routine agendas carried out in collaboration between KSE and UBSSI, aimed at providing knowledge to students about financial literacy, but in this activity there is also direct practice in the form of investment games which can be participated in by all participants. The activity began with an opening by the MC and continued with a presentation of material regarding activities carried out by KSE UGM students, including those related to social activities in the form of Community Development which were carried out directly by the KSE UGM association and other KSE associations which were also funded by PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia . Not only that, on this occasion the student representatives also gave a brief explanation regarding the achievements that have been achieved by KSE UGM scholarship recipients, both international and national achievements.


The invited guests who also attended this occasion and gave their speeches were Mr. Dr. Sindung Tjahyadi - Director of Student Affairs at Gadjah Mada University, Mr. ⁠Joshua Tanja - Managing Director and Country Head of PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia, Mr. Yoga Mulya - Director of BNI Sekuritas and Mrs. Ami Tantri - Executive Treasurer of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation. All parties expressed their thanks for the excellent cooperation that has been created between several parties, and in the future we hope that more and more similar activities will be carried out so that it will always have an impact on increasing students' knowledge, especially in the field of finance or investment. This was followed by giving souvenirs by KSE to various parties who were present. The gift of souvenirs was represented by Mrs. Ami Tantri - Executive Treasurer of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation.



Several materials were also delivered today by several parties, the first material was regarding "Introduction to Capital Market" by Mr. Irfan Noor Riza - Head of the Yogyakarta Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office. On this occasion, Mr. Irfan explained what the capital market is and the basic things that must be understood if you want to try to start investing. He also explained several types of investors in the world of investment. These are all basic things that are very useful for students to understand so that in the future when making investments, they don't take the wrong steps.


The second material was delivered by Muhammad Lutfi Permana - Retail Research Analyst at BNI Sekuritas, he explained the material regarding "Introduction to BIONS". BIONS itself is an application owned by BNI Sekuritas for buying and selling on the capital market. Apart from that, he also explained in more detail regarding investment itself, where to start if you want to invest. Mr. Luthfi also conveyed ways to manage finances or financial management, he provided an overview of the allocation of funds that he felt were effective for each expenditure.


The third material is the long-awaited material, namely the Investments Games, which was presented directly by Mr. Andre Tjahjamuljo - Indonesian Country Operating Officer PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia. In this material, the participants were formed into several groups. Each group consists of 4-5 people. The participants were faced with several cases to determine what type of investment or placement in the business sector would provide the most benefits. The participants' enthusiasm was very high, this was proven by the participants' responses when given several case studies. On this occasion, Mr Andre also explained for every incident that occurred, such as why investment in consumption would be stable if it was done during the pandemic, this was because during the pandemic, the sector whose demand would not change was the consumption sector.


1st place winner gets a prize in the form of a mutual fund balance worth IDR 1,600,000, second place worth IDR 1,300,000 and third place worth IDR 1,000,000.

The final session before the question and answer session was followed by short material about a career in the capital markets. The team from UBSSI explained the sections or divisions in the capital markets industry, such as analytical research, traders, and other general positions such as legal, general affairs, and others. The UBSSI team explained the functions and job desks of each in the capital markets industry. 


Before closing, a question and answer session for all material was held at the end of the event. There were several questions asked by the participants related to the world of investment, starting from asking about cases they encountered in the real world to technical questions. Various questions that arose were answered one by one by the presenters at this activity.  


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