The face to face meeting on December 6 2024 opened with an opening by the MC and singing the song Indonesia Raya & Mars KSE. After singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars KSE which were very solemn and full of enthusiasm, the activity continued with a presentation regarding the activities of the KSE Association delivered by the General Chairperson of the KSE UI Association, namely Siti Hajar. In this presentation, it was further explained what achievements had been made by the KSE scholarship recipients, especially the KSE scholarship recipients who attended this activity, namely from KSE UI, KSE UNJ, KSE UIN Jakarta, KSE UNTIRTA and KSE IPB. It is also related to the programs they carry out together with the community, such as the Community Development program and other social programs or activities which are simultaneously carried out at 35 PTNs.
Speeches were also delivered by several parties, Christanto Pranata as KSE Donor Relations, Krisbiakto C. Adi as Vice President of BCA and Achmad Solechan, S.Si, M.Si as Head of the UI Sub-Directorate of Student Services
The three of them expressed their gratitude for the collaboration created between various parties. They hope that this collaboration can continue with an increasing number of recipients and provide benefits. The campus also highlighted the very good activities of KSE scholarship recipients as evidenced by programs that directly relate to the community and this is not done by all scholarships, only a few, one of which is KSE.
After the speeches, it was continued with the symbolic handing over of a scholarship from PT Bank Cenghral Asia, Tbk to the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, in this case represented by Mr. Krisbiakto and one of the scholarship recipients of PT Bank Central Asis, Tbk.
Followed by giving souvenirs from KSE to the University of Indonesia as well as to PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk
Finished with the symbols, then continued with an introduction to one of the innovations of KSE scholarship recipient students from the Technology for Indonesia program who succeeded in making an automatic smart trash can. This smart trash can uses a sensor that will automatically open the trash can according to the type of waste to be put in. This smart trash can can also detect when the trash is full and make a sound. After an explanation from the Smart Trash Team, it was continued with handover to BCA.
In this activity, the first material presented was related to leadership. This material was delivered by Mr. Krisbiakto as Vice President of BCA. He explains how to be a leader in this era of impossibility. He explained that to become a leader, there are many things that must be considered and trained so that the spirit of leadership can grow well. He also explained how leadership using the VUCA method could have a big impact on Gen-Z today. To become a leader, you must pay attention to 3 aspects of yourself, namely Head, Heart and Hand. In the scope of work of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, a leader must also fulfill several requirements, because with this, a company can develop more rapidly.
Next, it continued with Financial Literacy material delivered by Dian Prawitasari – Assistant Vice President of BCA. He said that in today's modern world it is very important to be able to plan your finances well. This can be started by determining what your future financial goals will be, classifying your needs and wants. In this way, people can know how to act to manage the money they have. One way to manage finances wisely is to create savings that can be stored in a bank, one of which is BCA Bank. At BCA Bank itself, there are many features or services that customers can use easily.