
Saturday 19 October 2019, the KSE UNPAD Association  carried out the Let's Save Socialization activity with PT. Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia which is located at SD Negeri Cikeruh 2.  This activity starts at 09.00 - 11.00 WIB.

This activity was attended by 2 representatives from PT. BANK BNP PARIBAS INDONESIA, namely Efi Novitaningrum as HRD and Amalia Abidin as Operations. The KSE Foundation management was represented by Inke Maesaroh and Maya Dintasari. Apart from that, the activity was attended by Mrs. Tursidah, S.Pd. as a teacher representative. The activity participants consisted of 85 students from SD Negeri Cikeruh 2.

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Let's Save Socialization with PT. Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia began with an opening and welcoming speech, then continued with providing material regarding the benefits of saving both regular savings and savings at the bank. The aim of providing material is to introduce savings methods to children and encourage elementary school age children to save. The media used in this activity are videos, various stories and games. Apart from that, children were given several gifts in the form of food, glasses and piggy banks as a means to start the saving process.

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Because there will be continued activities in the next one to two months, namely around 25 students who register with the KSE UNPAD Association will have the opportunity to open a savings account at the bank closest to the school. With capital, open a savings account from the piggy bank that was given as a gift to the students at SD Negeri Cikeruh 2.

This activity went well from start to finish and closed with a group photo session. The hope in the future is that KSE student students can provide good benefits to society, especially in this case for elementary school age children.

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