This coaching and FGD activity starts at 09.00. This activity was attended by 22 PT Lautan Luas scholarship recipients, 3 representatives from each community (UNJ, UINJK and UI) and the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation.
In session 1, the matters discussed were related to the dreams of the Lautan Luas student participants, what things or activities were carried out and the obstacles faced by the participants in achieving these dreams. Each participant was asked to tell their dreams, including how much income they wanted. Then, the participants were asked to tell about the things they had done, including the obstacles they had faced.
Next, each participant pairs up to tell their problem and find a solution. After that, they were asked to talk about what obstacles their friends faced in facing problems and what solutions to face those problems. An explanation of the Circular Economy is also the material in session 1, in which it is explained that KSE will operate in the environmental sector in collaboration with PT Lautan Luas, the Impact of the Circular Economy. They were also made into groups and each group was asked to submit ideas related to what program they wanted to create.
On the next day, continue the task from session 1, namely creating groups and conveying ideas from each group. Then, participants are asked to make a PPT which includes the Concept, RAB and Timeline. After that, a presentation related to the desired program for the future which will collaborate with PT Lautan Luas.