UNRI Comdev Coaching, FGD & Monitoring was held in Riau, 29 September – 03 October 2023. This activity was attended by 36 KSE UNRI students. The event was opened by Mr Hengky Poerwowidagdo as Chief Operating Officer (COO) Karya Salemba Empat. Some of the materials received by participants during the activity were "Personal Dream", "Entrepreneur Dream", "Hope for the Community".

This coaching & FGD was held on Saturday, 30 September 2023 at SukoKopi, Pekanbaru. This coaching and FGD activity was attended by 36 participants who received the Karya Salemba Empat scholarship.


In this session Mr. Hengky Poerwowidagdo explained the material "KSE Socialization". Which explains the Vision and Mission of KSE and the Founders of KSE. After that, provide material regarding the "KSE Roadmap". There are 5 KSE Roadmaps, namely: Expectation, Exploration, Experience, Example and Expertise. Several KSE (Main & Additional Program) programs were also explained. Next, participants were given material on "Circular Economy" which discussed the concept of Circular Economy, whether what we do has an impact on society. Comdev's program is related to the Circular Economy, which is related to the "Trash Bank" environment, therefore socialization/education will be carried out at several elementary schools to create waste banks which will later be deposited into the main waste bank (Comdev Waste Bank).

Next, the participants were asked to explain their dreams (KSE UNRI students), what things or activities they carried out and the obstacles the participants faced in achieving these dreams.

Each participant was asked to tell their dreams, including how much income they wanted. Then, the participants were asked to tell about the things they had done, including the obstacles they had faced.

Next, each participant pairs up to tell their problem and find a solution.


The participants were asked to share their hopes regarding the KSE UNRI Community in the future. What things have they done for the Community and the obstacles they have faced.

In this session, the students were asked to carry out an FGD program which they would carry out according to their respective groups, namely Main Waste Bank, Elementary Waste Bank, Technology and Events.

This UNRI Coaching & FGD was held on Sunday, 01 October 2023 at Melati Green Garden. This coaching and FGD activity was attended by 36 participants who received the Karya Salemba Empat scholarship. The participants continued the FGD Program and were then asked to make presentations according to the program they would carry out in the future.

 After that, they were asked for the first presentation. In session 2, students were also asked to discuss with each other and provide solutions regarding their shortcomings and internal problems in pairs. Several pairs were asked to present the results of the discussions they had held. Each scholarship student was also asked to state their future goals, what they would like to do at Paguyuban and what they would give to KSE.

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