Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat together with Paguyuban KSE UNJ carried out coaching as a form of providing assistance and input in the process of developing the Paguyuban both internally and externally, then to find out various problems and plans in implementing the Community Development program and providing direction related to the plan for implementing the Community Development program. This activity was held on Tuesday, January 14, 2024 at 09.00-17.00 WIB at the Paguyuban KSE UNJ Secretariat and was attended by 48 KSE UNJ Awardee.


Coaching begins with a discussion about Personal Dream. In this session, participants are divided into two groups and guided by Hengky Poerwowidagdo and Maya Dintasari. Participants are invited to tell about their personal dreams in the future, starting from the career dreams they want to achieve to the dreams of income in the future.

After explaining their respective dreams, participants were asked to convey the obstacles they faced in achieving their dreams, both internal and external obstacles. In general, internal obstacles consist of within the individual such as lack of self-confidence and feelings of inability to achieve goals, while on the external side, they usually come from a mismatch between the dream and the wishes of the parents.


Next, the participants who have explained the obstacles are grouped into pairs with participants who have different obstacles. The two pairs provide solutions to the obstacles felt by each participant. Like the obstacle of time management, most participants suggest creating a journaling technique so that they can monitor what needs to be done in one day so that all activities can run smoothly. The obstacle of overthinking, it is suggested to try to recognize yourself regarding your strengths and stop thinking about what other people say. Likewise with other obstacles, they provide support and various methods.

After the personal dream session, the activity continued with a session explaining the work program of the KSE UNJ association for the 2024/2025 period. This presentation was delivered by several representatives of divisions ranging from BPH, Medkom, PSDB, Education, Entrepreneurship to Community Development. In their presentation, they conveyed the work programs that have been implemented by the association and the work programs that have not been implemented by the association along with the future timeline.


Completed with the presentation by each division representative, continued with a brief presentation of the introduction of the new structure of the KSE management, this is intended so that the scholarship recipients can get to know the figures behind KSE better so that the extraordinary spirit can be transmitted to the participants.


The last session was held with FGD community development. In this session, participants were divided into 5 groups, namely the Sekar Mukti Group, Moringa Nugget, Marketing, Finance and Event. Each group synergized with each other to formulate a work plan to be implemented. In the Sekar Mukti group, they discussed in more depth what stages were needed for the future development of Sekar Mukti, from providing training to improving products and packaging.


In the moringa nugget group, similar to the Sekar Mukti group, they discussed what stages are needed to develop moringa nuggets, starting from licensing to the possibility of cooperation with several agents. The Sekar Mukti and Moringa nugget groups must be supported by the Marketing group, the marketing group discusses what methods will be used to support the production results designed by the Sekar Mukti and Moringa Nugget teams, starting from planning for BA for each program to the promotional media that will be used. Not only that, to cover the monthly operational needs of the KSE UNJ secretariat, a careful calculation is needed between how much money must be obtained from the business owned by the association, including from the entrepreneurship division, Comdev Products to the education division. This must be in line with the marketing methods that have been designed previously so that the calculations must be correct. The last group is the event, they design what activities can be held to support the production of comdev and the marketing techniques that have been designed, such as monthly campus events to events outside campus.

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