Starting from March 2-12, 2023, Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat staff conducted coaching and monitoring to the KSE scholarship committee of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Padjajaran University (UNPAD), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).


The activity began with a visit to the Community Development sites, namely Biofloc and Hydroponics. After collecting field data and problems, KSE IPB mapped out solutions that needed to be implemented. In addition, discussions were also held with the Situgede community to map out how the community development program would work in the future.

KSE and the Association also held an audience with the community, how the boiflok and hydroponic programs would be in the future, based on the discussion an agreement was reached that there would be derivative products made to add more value to the comdev program in Situgede. In addition to the audience with the Situgede community, KSE also visited the decorative lamp craftsmen with the association. The association and the craftsmen agreed to produce more lamps and market them in a wider range.


In addition, trials were also conducted to make pakcoy nuggets and fish dim sum. After the association found the right composition. The next day, the women of RW Bubulak made the first pakcoy nuggets together with the KSE students. The production started from making dough, molding and finishing with packaging. In this production, 30 packs of Nacoy (Pakcoy Nugget) were obtained. Some of the women took the product to be tested by consumers in their homes, while some of them will be tested in the upcoming CFD market. At the CFD sales, 30 packs of frozen Nacoy and 20 packs of fried Nacoy were sold.


On the last occasion, Coaching was also conducted to 23 IPB students, the discussion or series of coaching activities were telling their personal dreams to the dreams of their respective associations. On this day, the association also agreed to further conduct coaching to the association members who were not present on this occasion. Several games were also conducted with the aim of strengthening teamwork and communication between KSE IPB students.


After the series of activities at the KSE IPB association was completed, it continued to Bandung to meet with the Greater Bandung Association (UNPAD, ITB, UPI). Together with the association, they conducted a comdev visit to the Fatahilah Foundation mothers, which then carried out Getyeum production to be marketed at the upcoming Bandung city CFD. The enthusiasm of the Fatahillah Foundation mothers to produce Getyeum was seen.

At the comdev location carried out by the UPI Association with Kang Heru, milk pasteurization was also carried out, where the resulting product was given several flavors to attract consumers. Pasteurized milk is healthy and odorless so it is suitable for any consumer. Together with Kang Heru, KSE UPI Paguyuban colleagues produced Pasteur milk to be marketed at the CFD in Bandung.


No less interesting, the KSE UNPAD community together with mothers produced Panasin (instant rice) to be marketed at CFD in Bandung city. Next, the production of a new comdev product, namely "Sambal Mantan" will be carried out.

The location of the three associations close together gives Paguyuban Baraya (Greater Bandung) its own strengths, they can share with each other the obstacles faced in each association, especially how comdev activities can run continuously.

The day arrived, the Baraya community carried out direct selling at CFD in the city of Bandung. Based on sales, it can be seen that each comdev product has its own market share. On average, 70% of the products brought are sold out. In the future, it is necessary to continue to improve product quality so that the product can be accepted by the public and in subsequent productions the goods can be sold out.


Coaching is also carried out for KSE Bandung Raya scholarship recipients, this activity is carried out with the aim of unlocking the dreams of scholarship recipients, clarifying the steps that will be taken and strengthening the Paguyuban organization. Apart from that, joint discussions were also held discussing community programs, especially the Tutoring Program. Hopefully after this activity is completed it can have an impact on scholarship recipients and the comdev community.



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