Cikarang Listrindo Camp 2022 was held in Bogor on 8-12 June 2022 at the Valley Hotel, Bogor, West Java. This activity was attended by 29 students and 19 youth organisations from Muara Bakti. The event was opened by Hengky Poerwowidagdo as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Karya Salemba Empat. Some of the materials received by participants during the camp were "Basic Mentality" by Hari Subagya, material on "Entrepreneurship and Motivation" delivered by Cahyana Puthut W, material on "Coaching (Self Development)" delivered by Hengky Poerwowidagdo and Maya Dintasari. In this activity the speakers shared knowledge to explore the enthusiasm of the participants in achieving success, willing to take risks and have a success mentality.
Amazing Race is the most awaited and enthusiastic activity from the participants because participants get a challenge from the Trainer to sell out the products of Community Development Karya Salemba Empat that have been provided. In this activity, participants were very enthusiastic in selling products to the community in the Yasmin area, Bogor.
After the "Amazing Race" activity, the participants who were students followed the material "Spirit of Independence" by Mr Satriadi Indarmawan - Co-founder & Chairman of the KSE Supervisory Board. And participants who came from youth organisations made a visit to Comunnity Development in Situ Gede. This visit was intended as an illustration for participants in implementing the knowledge gained during the camp at Muara Bakti later. On the fourth day, participants received material on "Business Plan (Basic Marketing) by Ibrahim Aji and Imam Ma'arif, Alumni of KSE and material on "Product Photography" by Bambang Heryanto.
On the last day, the first session was presented by Nurwakhid Hanif Alrosyid with the material "CSR Programme of PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk". He explained the purpose of the Company's CSR program which focuses on the social field which creates harmonisation between Cikarang Listrindo and the community in the Company's area and as wide as possible and contributes to forming an educated, independent and productive society and environment (TMP) through social, educational, health and environmental fields. And in the next session Mimi Hudriah who was a participant from the Muara Bakti youth organisation had the opportunity to present the community development of PT Bhakti Kreasi Mandiri which will be established in Muara Bakti which consists of 5 (five) divisions, namely the Angkasa division, MBKM division, Mabek division, Tobe division, and Steam division in front of the presenters and important people from PT Cikarang Listrindo.
The closing was filled with a Talkshow with the theme "Electricity Industry in Indonesia & KSE Value and the Spirit of Sharing, Networking and Developing" by Matius Sugiaman as Commercial Director and Mrs Ami Tantri as Executive Treasurer of Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat. In this session Mr Matius told and explained briefly about PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk. which is the longest operating private electricity provider in Indonesia. And Ibu Ami told a little story behind the establishment of Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat. Mr Matius and Mrs Ami also said that the purpose of this camp was to broaden the participants' horizons and get the opportunity to receive knowledge from the speakers and hope that the knowledge gained by the participants during the training could be applied and implemented in their respective regions..