
The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan 2015 untuk pertama kalinya diselenggarakan pada tanggal 4-9

The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan 2015 was held for the first time on 4-9 November 2015 at Green Sentul Indah Resort, Bogor, West Java, in collaboration with Karya Salemba Empat Foundation and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. This activity was attended by 18 state universities, namely IPB, UB, UGM, UI, UIN JKT, UNAND, UNDANA, UNDIP, UNILA, UNJ, UNMUL, UNPAD, UNRI, UNSRAT, UNSYIAH, UNUD, ITB, and USU with a total of 222 students.

Upon arrival at the training location, participants were immediately coordinated by the Officer team for room assignment and information notification for the opening ceremony. Furthermore, the handover of the event from the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation represented by Helmi Setiawan and Christian P Somali to the People Develop People (PDP) Team and Officers as the person in charge of this event.

In contrast to Camp Karya Salemba Empat training in general which emphasises aspects of discipline and the formation of leadership spirit, participants of The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan 2015 are also expected to have verbal communication skills and the ability to make presentations in order to bring up and create synergies for the progress and prosperity of the nation.

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The first day-Wednesday, 4 November 2015, in order to achieve this goal, the training invited several trainers with various backgrounds including practitioners from BPJS Employment, trainers and motivators from People Develop People (PDP), Karya Salemba Empat Foundation Board, Karya Salemba Empat Alumni and assistance from Officers and supporting training materials.


The second day-Thursday, 5 November 2015, the soft opening of The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan began with the singing of Indonesia Raya, followed by KSE Mars, and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Hymn.

Present as speakers from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan were Dodo Suharto (Senior Vice President of Money Market Capital Market Division), Lia Purnamasari (Assistant Vice President of Debt Market).Representatives from PT Bahana TCW Investment Management, Rukmi Proborini (Marketing Director) and Vireny Chandra Dewi (Business Development).Also present were representatives from PT Samuel Aset Manajemen, Agus B. Yanuar (President Director), and Anang Roso (Institutional Marketing.

The third day - Friday 6 November 2015, the material provided by trainers and motivators from People Develop People (PDP) with the theme "7 Foundations of Effective Mentality" and "Effective Communication Skill". In the evening, a meeting was held between Junaedi (Director of Participation and Inter-Institutional Relations) and BPJS Employment Team with the theme "New Era of BPJS Employment".

Day four - Saturday, 7 November 2015, Face-to-Face activities between The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and 222 participants. Before the Face-to-Face activity, remarks were delivered by Arief Wana (Executive Chairman of Karya Salemba Empat Foundation), and continued by Jeffry Haryadi PM (Investment Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan). Screening of The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan video and Presentation of KSE Association Activities throughout the archipelago. After that, the symbolisation of the scholarship was accompanied by the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Hymn Song by the participants.

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The Face-to-Face event took place with speakers from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Jeffry Haryadi PM (Investment Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), who was accompanied by Dodo Suharto (Senior Vice President of Money Market Capital Market Division), and Lia Purnamasari (Assistant Vice President of Debt Market). Investment Management Companies that participated in this activity include:


1.      Bapak Muhammad Hanief – Direktur Utama

2.      Ibu Yenita Siregar – AVP Direct Institutional Sales


1.      Bapak Antony Dirga – Direktur

2.      Bapak Hendra Harahap – Direktur


1.      Bapak Agus B. Yanuar – Direktur Utama

2.      Bapak Intan Syach Ichsan – Chief Operating Officer

3.      Bapak Anang Roso – Institutional Marketing


1.      Bapak Ridwan Soetedja – Direktur

2.      Bapak George T. M. Sinaga, CFP – Regional Manager, Branch and Institution


1.      Bapak David Hsu – Head of Institutional Sales


1.      Ibu Rukmi Proborini – Direktur Marketing

2.      Bapak Luthfi Adri – Institutional Sales


1.      Ibu Lilis Setiadi – Direktur Utama

2.      Bapak Yulius Manto – Direktur


1.      Bapak Prihatmo Hari Mulyanto – Direktur Utama


1.      Ibu Saida Jusuf – Senior Manager Marketing

Serta perwakilanpihakYAYASAN KARYA SALEMBA EMPAT, yaitu :

1.      Bapak Arief Wana – Ketua Eksekutif

2.      Ibu Ami Tantri – WakilKetuaEksekutif

3.      Bapak Mirza Adityaswara – Ketua Dewan Pembina

4.      Bapak Laksono Widodo – Dewan Pembina

5.      Bapak Satriadi Indarmawan – Ketua Dewan Pengawas

6.      Bapak Ahmad Solihin – Sekretaris Eksekutif

7.      Ibu Elizabeth Martadi – Donor Relation

Then the participants were divided into 5 classes where each class received The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan material delivered by teaching staff from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.


In the evening, a sharing and discussion session was held between BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Investment Management companies and KSE Foundation, as well as 222 participants from 18 state universities. This session brought material about the profile of the KSE Foundation which has a vision and mission, namely Sharing - Networking - Developing.

Also present were representatives from investment management companies, among others:

PT. Samuel AsetManajemen :

1.      BapakAgus B. Yanuar – DirekturUtama

2.      BapakIntanSyachIchsan – COO

3.      BapakAnangRoso – Institutional Marketing

PT. Batavia ProsperindoAsetManagement :

1.      BapakYuliusManto – Direktur

PT. Trimegah Asset Management :

1.      Bapak R. IstiyonoNugroho – Head of Institutional Sales

2.      Ibu Lie Siah –Institutional Sales Manager

Bapak Yulius Hartono – Manager Institutional Marketing

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The fifth day - Sunday, 8 November 2015, continued with The Ambassador BPJS Ketenagakerjaan material delivered by the teaching staff from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Then conducted FGD (Focus Group Discussion) accompanied by the PDP Team (People Develop People, KSE and BPJS Employment). The results of the FGD were presented by the participants as a project plan that will be carried out by each KSE Association throughout the archipelago. The closing was symbolised by the presentation of The Ambassador Certificate by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

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