Nekamese Field School, Kupang NTT 27-30 November 2014
This activity arose from KSE's concern for fellow scholarship recipients in the eastern region and the spirit to develop Sharing Networking and Developing to improve the intelligence of the nation's next generation. Thursday afternoon 27 November, 55 KSE scholarship recipients from Nusa Cendana University arrived at Nekamese Field School. Upon arrival, the participants were briefed by the officers about the Leadersip Camp. The trainers and officers gave a briefing as well as the desired targets of this training. In addition, Hengky Poerwowidagdo as KSE Chief Operating Officer gave an explanation of KSE's flagship programmes, namely Technologi For Indonesia (TFI) and Social Entrepreneur (SEC) to KSE UNDANA scholarship recipients, this programme is one of KSE's flagship programmes that is being promoted to all KSE scholarship recipients.
On the second day, Friday 28 November 2014, Hari Subagya, a senior trainer of People Develope People, gave a presentation to the participants on "Change towards Effectiveness and Success". Participants were motivated and invited to explore their basic abilities and build expectations. As a form of appreciation and punishment, participants were given blue and red ribbons that had to be worn until the end of the event, the participants were divided into several groups and a leader was appointed in each group, the leader was responsible for the performance of his group members. Very interesting, in this way participants are encouraged to be active and be the best in each session, besides that participants are also stimulated to become people who are easily inspired by positive things. Thus participants are directed to get out of the comfort zone, mental blocks, negative emotions, blaming, dark past, worry about self-image and fear of the future.
The next session was "The Foundation of Effective Mentality" in this session participants were directed to open mental blocks, become people who are good at being grateful. Easy is not an option, participants are taught to continue to train themselves and interact to spread kindness. In addition, participants were also taught that to become a leader, they must be able to see something that is still vague and see what is not yet clear.
Following up on the objectives of this activity, then Cahyana Puthut Wijanarka, founder of People Develope People, provided material on "Communication Skill. The goal is that participants can communicate well, can convey ideas in a structured way. The interesting thing here is that some things can be seen from various points of view and can be re-presented according to the field of each person who tells the story.